♦️ Chapter 46 || Act Casual ♦️

Start from the beginning

Jake smiles, "You betcha... Guess I got a bit carried away. So if you take a left up there and then a right you will see a white building. Across from it, there is a dumpster. That's the perfect spot for a speed trap!"

The cops nods, "Thanks. Be safe you to."

Jake revved his engine, "We will!"

The cop laughs and shakes his head before heading back to his car while I am just sitting there completely shocked.

"What... Just... Happened?"

Jake begins driving again, "I gave him some valuable information and in return he pardoned me, and besides like he said... I'm just a stupid kid trying to impress his girl."

I blush as I rest my head against his back.

* * Jake's POV * *

I smile as I feel her breath against my back.

Minutes later we arrived at her house. Before parking, I drove by her house to see if her Mom's car was in the driveway... thankfully it wasn't.

I don't know what I would do if her Mom hurt her on my account.

I park behind a bush, take Nicole's bag, and walk inside.

"What time does your mom usually come home?" I ask as I look out the kitchen window to make sure that my bike is hidden completely.

Nicole shrugs, "I have no idea. It's like when she decides she wants to come home ya know?"

I shake my head with a grunt of frustration before turning to Nicole with a smile, "You hungry?" I ask as I kiss her forehead.

"No I'm good. I had a big lunch."


I followed Nicole into her room.

My palms were sweaty but I stuffed them in my pockets to hid that little detail.

Jeez. Jake get a hold of yourself!

I placed her bag on her bed before walking to the window to checking my bike again.

When I turn around I found Nicole emptying her bag to get her homework.

I watched her dumbfounded as she mesmerized me.

Something about her just makes me crazy for her.

My heart was racing as I began pacing.

Just come out and tell her! You've been holding it in for so long now!

What if she doesn't feel the same way?

Does it really matter? Does it change how you feel?


Then tell her!

I sigh as I pace back and forth completely forgetting Nicole is in the room and basically watching me have a silent argument with myself.

"You alright Jake?" She asks as she looks at me with her big beautiful innocent brown eyes that make me go weak at the knees.

Be a man!
Tell her!

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