2 - A Manager's Job

Start from the beginning

    "Oh, okay."

      Misaki gently took the piece of paper from her hand. The girl appeared shy, but she was also more well-mannered. Especially more than Oikawa's annoying fangirls who had been ambushing her for the past week to beg her to make one of them the manager.

      She barely glanced at the form before meeting Yuki's eyes. "Well, it all seems to be in order. I'll be narrowing people down, so in case you get called, know that you're in my top three choices."

      "Y-yes, okay!" Yuki replied, a little loud. She bowed, thanking Misaki profusely before saying bye. She suddenly stopped in the middle of her walk and turned back towards the older girl. "Um, just one more thing. I'm not really shy or anything. It's just you kind of intimidate me a little. I hope that doesn't offend you."

      Misaki's eyes widened slightly, but a smile appeared over her face. "Well, you don't have to be intimidated by me. I'm pretty nice, except for when it comes to dealing with the idiots in the team. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to run, I'm going to be late for practice. But see you around."

      Misaki waved at the girl before rushing towards the gym, holding the stack of papers close to her chest. Running around with a stack of papers...that was such a fun job. (Yeah, she was being sarcastic. But only a little.) Though she couldn't lie. The stupid shit she saw the team members do really made her day, so she was glad that she was the manager. (But that stupid Oikawa...he...uggh...he was a whole other thing)

      As Misaki stepped inside the gym, she felt all her senses suddenly go on high alert

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      As Misaki stepped inside the gym, she felt all her senses suddenly go on high alert. The practice was going on in full swing and everybody was working hard. Some of the first years and second years were doing laps around the court, the others were practising their spikes, and Oikawa was practising his serves with the rest of the third years on receiving.

      "But that stupid Kyoutani isn't here again..." Misaki mumbled under her breath. Kentaro Kyoutani...he was probably the rudest person on the team. Even if he had some amazing skills, he barely bothered to show up to practices and when he did, he always ended up picking a fight with someone. She barely tolerated him; but then again, she barely tolerated Oikawa so that was that.

      Misaki sent a tiny wave towards Kunimi and Kindaichi, who suddenly seemed surprised, but then they waved back before continuing to take their laps around the gym. Hanamaki and Matsukawa both grinned at her; she grinned back, shooting finger guns at them.

      Oikawa was serving again, doing one of his usual, powerful serves and as always Misaki was insanely jealous of his form. 'He doesn't have to look perfect every time he does that, does he? But goddammit, his form is just stupidly perfect.'

      In her moment of distraction (admiration), Misaki didn't realise that Oikawa had messed up the serve and neither did she realise that the ball was heading towards her. And then it smacked her straight on her nose, the loud noise echoing throughout the gym. The practice came to a screeching halt as everyone ran up to her, even the coaches.

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