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Yoongi's POV

The cold night breeze ruffled my hair, making me shiver slightly as I stood with my sniper positioned to shoot, slightly hanging along the edge of the rooftop of one of the high skyscrapers of the bright American landscape.

It was a lot to take in.

The brightly lit squares of light in all colours imaginable could come off as oddly romantic but in my situation they were nothing but a headache for me. They were but an obstacle to overcome so that nobody could spot me prowling in the shadows seconds before I took the aim and shot my target dead.

I zoomed in the lens and squinted into scope, trying to get a good look at my target for tonight.

Fingers tightening around the grip, I caressed the trigger like a seasoned warrior checking the swiftness of his trusty sword and refocused just to get the shot right.

I grimaced as Woods, a corrupt official of the ruling party and the mastermind behind the recent terror attacks in San Francisco, came into view.

Taking a deep, unsettling breath I realised that I wasn't supposed to bring my emotions into my work.

I was a hitman and people like me couldn't risk being emotional.

One mistake and I could get caught, potentially endangering the entire system backing me, the people I worked for...the people who made me realise my place in the cycle of life and made me believe that I wasn't a murderer, but a hitman with a purpose.

I didn't kill recklessly, nor was I a puppet to any master. I was a part of the web created by the international peace and development union to wipe out anti-national elements such as Woods who not only disrupted the national peace but also posed threat to international order.

The silent wind rustled past my ears and I tugged my mask upwards, gripping the trigger. The aim was set and all that was left to do was to pull the trigger but I let out a curse as something obstructed the view in my scope.

Zooming out, I focused onto a petite young woman as she bowed to Woods, a tray of alcoholic drinks in hand, preventing me from shooting.

I frowned as Woods smirked up at that woman, sizing her up like a predator stalling his prey and finally grabbed a glass, gesturing her take a few steps back.

I removed my eye from the gun and grabbed my binoculars instead, looking downwards at the scene unfolding on the terrace of the building opposite to the one I was positioned on.

The woman's legs trembled as she moved away and consequently out of my scope and paused.

I heaved a sigh of relief and gripping the trigger, pulled.

It was a hasty decision, I realised seconds later but the bullet was already out of the muzzle, rapidly spinning towards the unaware target. I cursed as my eyes skipped to the woman barely standing upright against the delicate glass railing.

I had failed to consider the fact that the moment the bullet found it's target, there'd be an obvious hue and cry and the poor woman would inevitably go tumbling down the vast stretch of the twenty floors, screaming and ready to meet her death and it would be all because of me.

I jumped to my feet and snatched my equipment off the tiled surface of the terrace.

There was no time to waste as the bullet whizzed past the six-lane driveway and I although unwillingly, quickly decided to put my long unused specialised agent skills to a test.

Spanning the length of the terrace, I ran and shot the rope out. It would reach a few seconds later than the bullet but by the time that woman fell, I already planned to be there, waiting to break her fall midway.

It was a huge risk but I wasn't about to tarnish my conscience with the guilt of an unintended murder.

As I said, I wasn't a murderer but an agent who'd started out to make this world a slightly better place.

Killing innocents wasn't my thing.

Jumping onto the edge, I swayed a little in the powerful wind and in an instant I was hanging off the rope, sliding down the slanted path.

My hands were frozen and the rope was terribly tight around my waist but by sheer power and a little luck, I ended up planting my feet against the clear window just a couple floors underneath the terrace.

A scream pierced the air as the woman grabbed onto the rapidly breaking railing as her legs flailed. Her face was terrifyingly pale as she looked downwards, only to tightly shut her eyes, her face turning red from the effort it took to hold herself up.

Tears streamed down her face as blood chilling sobs escaped her lips and I felt my heart still.

"Let go." I yelled, demanding her attention. I didn't care about the bullet and the chaos it had caused.

I was certain about the accuracy of the hit and Woods was probably squirting blood in his pretty little mistress' arms but I was least concerned.

"I won't let you die." I yelled as I extended out my hand to the scared woman. "Trust me."

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