"The dog"

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Mark had to wake me up. We arrived at Austin. I looked at my phone 10 snapchat notifications. I looked who it was it was Andrew. I called my best friend Anastasia. "The dog keeps texting me." I said. She sighed. "Do you remember where he lives?" Anastasia asked me. "Somewhere on Bunn road." I said. She said "I'm driving you have the bat." I laughed. "Well I'll just have Mark help me." I said. "That's a good idea em." She said. I laughed and said "alright well I am just getting out of the plane I will call you later. Bye stasia!" "Cya Em." Mark looked at me. "I heard your conversation." He said. "I know you did and i do need your help with this dude." I said. He chucked and nodded. We got our luggage and headed to Mark's place. When we got to his place and greeted the dogs by the time I looked at my phone 30 notifications from Andrew.
"Babe, come here." I said to mark. I was in the living room. He came from the kitchen. I showed how many notifications from Andrew. He was mad. Show me what he is saying to you. I unlocked my phone and we both looked at the messages. Mark was FURIOUS. Mark snatched my phone and called him. Mark handed me his phone and went upstairs so he didn't hear me yelling. I sat down and watched YouTube. I fell asleep. Next thing is I woke up on Marks lap and a blanket on me. I looked up. "How long have i been asleep?" I asked tired. "well we got home at 5 it's 8." Said Mark moving some of my hair outta of the way. I almost went back asleep but the dogs barked. "Did you take care of the dog?" I asked. "The dog?" Asked mark confused. "Andrew." I said. He nodded. "Wanna go to bed?" He asked. I nodded because I was still tired. I was gonna stand up but mark picked me up bridal style and took me to the room. He laid me on the bed. I fell asleep right away.

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