Test the Problem

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    10 minutes till the show starts. I'm still in the cafeteria. I see Test walk by and staring at me. He grabs a drink and tries to sit at the same table. When he sat across from me I got up and left. I walked to the locker room where I see Mark getting ready for his match. I looked at him. Mark knew something was up. "Darlin before you walk out that door you better come here and tell me what's going on." Damn he can read my mind like a easy math quiz. I walked over and sat on the floor. He was sitting on the steel chair. "Well it's Test...again... I was still sitting in the cafeteria after talking with you and Dean he came strolling along checking me out. Well he got something to drink and he sat in the chair across from me. I got up left and came straight here and I'm pretty sure he was behind me." Then I mouthed pointing to the door "I'm sure he is behind the door listening." Mark got up quietly and tip-toed to the door. Mark heard him. He flung open the door and Test came down falling. Test was scared. "You little shit." Mark said angry. Test ran for his life has Mark only chased him out of the door. "Stay the fuck away from her you stalker!" yelled Mark. Mark closed the door calmly so I would stay calm. I stood up. He picked me up and hugged me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I buried my face into his neck. "Welcome to Thursday night Smackdown". We heard that through the TV. The show is starting. He kissed me on the cheek. I lifted my head off his neck. He kissed me on the lips. He dropped me down. We walked to his motorcycle.
       I was in the locker room watching the tv while Mark is about to go on for his promo. The timeline still being Mark and Test having beef. Test came out first. He got in the ring furious. "Taker Taker Taker. I thought you and Jordan weren't together. Well I guess I missed that part. Jordan why would you come back to him tho? He cheated on you with Sable, Your brother's ex girlfriend. So how bout this. Let's have a match between me and the deadman. The match will not be a normal one but the winner gets to have Jordan." My eyes got big. I bet Mark was not happy about this at all. His music came on. Mark came down not happy at all. Mark grabbed the mic and started talking. "First of all you leave the cheating part out of your mouth. Look I learnt my lesson but I and especially Jordan does not have to be reminded. Second of all why a match for her. That's just stupid. How about this. Jordan comes out later tonight and tell us what she wants, but I already know what she is gonna say." Mark said that knowing damn well what i'm going to say. Marl got out of the ring. He turned around. "Oh by the way Test. I suggest you stop stalking her before things get worse." From what I saw Test has his eyes wide open. It went to commerical.
         I went to the guerilla for my match. Mark was with me. I was stretching, Mark was helping me too. I came out when my music came on. It was me vs Tori. No surprise. It was an easy win. My finisher always seems powerful. I pinned, 1...2...3... ding, ding, ding. "And your winner is Jordan Austin." said the announcer. I asked for the mic. The announer gave it to me. The crowd knew what time is was. "I know you guys are waiting for answer. I'm just gonna keep it nice and sweet i'm staying with Undertaker." I said smiling. Test came running down. He stopped in front me. Mark came sprinting down with a steel chair. Test grabbed my arm and pulled me in the line of fire of the chair. I was hit in the head hard and I was out. Mark chased Test out of the ring and came to me trying to wake me up. I was passed out. Mark picked me up and carry me backstage. Emts tried to take me but Mark wouldn't really let them. After 15 minutes of him trying he gave up. He knew I had to go to the hospital. My cousin Stephanie went in the ambulence with me while Mark was going to beat up Test ass.

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