Did you kill her or not?

Start from the beginning

"Scott" I rushed forward, pulling him off of the lockers. "Look at me. Focus. Do not shift in school" I tried to get him to snap out of it. His eyes quickly faded back to brown, but he was still panicking. I could practically feel his heartbeat in his arm. Scott slowly backed away, looking at the damage he had done to the locker, he turned down a hallway walking backwards. I heard a slamming sound. Stiles and I looked at each other before rushing after him. I let out a sigh of relief when I turned to corner. Scott was kneeled on the ground, helping Allison pick up the books he had knocked out of her hands. "Meet you in chemistry" I patted Scott on the back and smiling at Allison. I turned back to Stiles as we headed for our next class.

"Crisis averted" Stiles smiled at me. I still didn't feel great. "Hey whats wrong?" Stiles nudged me with his elbow. I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

"I think Scott had something to do with that bus Stiles" I whispered. Stiles looked at me surprised. "I don't think he did it on purpose or anything but that dream means something. Wolves have memories. I think they just store them differently" I explained.

"Emma how do you know all this stuff?" Stiles asked, getting off topic. I shrugged. I looked up to find Stiles's eyes still staring at me, waiting for an acceptable answer.

"I don't know. I just kind of collected it. I was a super natural girl so I researched a lot and hung out with a pack of were wolves at one point in my life. I was never part of the pack, just friends. Then my parents found out about my special talent and now I live here" I explained. Stiles nodded.

"Do you miss them?" Stiles asked, as we approached the chemistry classroom. I hadn't actually thought of them in a while.

"No. I'm actually pretty happy here. With you and our other friends" I smiled. I saw a small blush on Stiles's cheeks. Finally we arrived at the chemistry room. "After you" I held the door open for him. He laughed, entering the classroom which we both hated.

Scott came in a few minutes late, sitting in the chair in front of Stiles and I's table. Scott turned around talking to Stiles. Apparently, he had the same idea I did.

"Maybe it was my blood on the door" Scott suggested to Stiles.

"It could've been animal blood" Stiles added. I just starred at the paper, trying to get my work done. I wanted to pass high school and go to college. I couldn't spend every waking second talking about were wolves and magic healers. But still, their conversation went on. "You know maybe you caught a rabbit or something" Stiles continued.

"And did what?" Scott asked.

"Ate it" Stiles answered.

"Raw?" Scott asked, surprised. I felt my self let out a frustrated sigh at that remark.

"No you stopped to bake it in your little werewolf oven. Yes raw!" Stiles snarked sarcastically. I felt myself trying to suppress a laugh.

"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the head phones out every once and a while. I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?" Mr. Harrison scolded.

"What? No" Stiles responded. Mr. Harrison pointed to two different seats, moving Scott to the front of the room, and Stiles away from me.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much for you" Mr. Harrison insulted. Man he was such an ass hole. I looked down at my paper for a moment before a sly grin came across my face.

"Mr. Harrison?" I asked, getting his attention. "I think you made a mistake on problem 11" I pointed out in front of the whole class. "The number should obviously be 5" I added, hoping to embarrass him. Luckily it worked. He frowned, scrambling for his papers. He picked it up reading it to see if in fact I was right.

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