"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Steph groans, pushing herself off the locker.

"I need to get some notes from my locker. See you later B," she tells her, then turns to Chris. "You too, Christopher."

Then she walks away.

Chris finds her behaviour rather strange as he watches her go.

"What's wrong with her?" He asks Brooke.

"She's a little cranky so I'd give her some space if I were you," Brooke answers him.

"Okay. I'll see you around."

"Sure," she responds.


Stephanie is already seated when Luke walks in. He sees her just as she notices him which leads to their eyeballs meeting. Luke grins and begins to walk to her.
She feels something in the pit of her stomach at the sight of his grin. She feels weird. She doesn't know why she feels this way. She looks away momentarily and shuts her eyes to take a deep breath as if in preparation for something big about to happen.

"Hey, Steph." Luke says as he's already in front of her. She opens her eyes and look up to meet his eyes.

"Hi," she tries to smile, trying not to make this awkward.

"How are you?" He asks, taking the empty seat beside her.

"I'm good. You?"

"Great." Luke smiles. "I had fun on Saturday. We could all go see a movie next time," Luke suggests.

Steph shrugs. She doesn't think she'd want a next time. But he doesn't need to know that. The teacher walks in, preventing further conversation which Steph is grateful for.


It's lunch break and Ivy isn't heading in the cafeteria's direction. She's heading towards the girls' bathroom with a blank look on her face. Aspen is right beside her and they look determined to get to their destination.

Ivy had received a text from an unknown number yesterday. It had said:

Hey Ivy. I have something that would be of use to you. Where should we meet in school tomorrow?

Ivy had replied after a little deliberation, wondering who it was.

Who is this?

She got a reply:

It's Olivia from school. We have chemistry together.

Ivy had frowned on seeing that reply. She tried to recall an Olivia from her chemistry class but she couldn't. She doesn't know anybody called Olivia. So she had texted back.

I don't remember any Olivia from chemistry. What did you say you have?

She got a reply in seconds:

It has to do with Luke.

That caught her interest.

Okay. Meet me in the girls' bathroom during lunch tomorrow.

I will.
She got that reply.

She had wondered what the so called Olivia could possibly have that'll be useful to her. And she's still wondering. If whatever Olivia has isn't of use to her, she's in for it for bothering her.

Now, she's about to find out with Aspen. She had told Aspen everything this morning.

They walk into the bathroom to find it empty. No one in any of the stalls and Ivy doesn't like it.

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