Letter From Jesus

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Dear beloved Child,

I know sometimes you feel troubled. I know you feel weak. I see you at times trembling with fear and confusion about your life. I know that you often feel lonely and afraid. So I want to tell you now, my dear child, your suffering reaches my ears and my heart. You may think that I don't hear your cry, but know this: not only do I hear your cry of anguish, but I cry with you, and our cry reaches my father in heaven.

Your pain and suffering ever, not a single instant, go unheard. Every tear and every moment of worry pierces my heart. My heart bleeds from all the sadness you feel. Know that all your pain I have taken upon myself. Even before it hurt you, it was placed in my wounded side for all eternity. All your suffering, shame and fear I took upon me so that you could be at peace with my father lifted me up and glorified me, his son, above all others. This reason, above all, is why I came.

I want to give you the one thing I am sure will help you in any uncertain moment: My peace. I give you my Piece, with nothing held back. I give you the piece that comes only from my spirit. My spirit tells you who am I and what I did for you, and all the splendor and majesty of God is found within my peace.

My peace sets you free. Do not fear.

My peace heals you. Be strong

Trust in my peace. Receive my peace.

It is my love poured out for you from before time itself and continuing eternally.

Rest, beloved child, in the loving arms of my peace.

This letter gives me chills and I'm so touched by the message it feels like Jesus is really talking to me in letters.When I'm feeling sad or about to lose hope I always read this to keep myself reminded that Jesus is always here for me, I'm so thankful to the person who do this I just see this in Pinterest and write it here so that you can read it also, because not everyone have a Pinterest app. Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead!

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