God sees you

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" The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From His throne He observes all who live on the earth. He made their hearts, so He understands everything they do."

Psalm 33:13-15

God sees us all, whatever we do and what we feel. God knows everything even our little secrets, we have nothing to hide in Him for He knows us even the day we are born. When I was a child I always think that maybe the Lord can't see me because my life is so messy full of pains and hardships, in short my life is miserable but I was wrong. God always sees us and most of all He loves us the purpose why He is letting us to experience hardships and pains is for us to learn and become strong. God wants me to fight my battles with Him, His plans is for our own good too so whatever hardships we are facing right now let's fight for it and let God be the center of our lives. We should always remember that God always sees us and all of the sufferings we encountered has a purpose. So instead of questioning the Lord why our life like this and that, why not turn it into prayers and trusting. God is our hope, He will never unseen us for God loves us so much!

Grace Princess warrior of God

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