Lead The Lost

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My Princess,

I am dwelling in you and with you. Because My power is in your life, you have the ability to show the way to all who need to find Me. But you won't discover My power or complete your calling if you try and build your life on your own accomplishments. You have been handpicked by Me to refresh a world that is wandering around in a dry and thirsty land. There are many who are lost and feel very alone. Their cups are empty and so their souls. So let me fill you with My Spirit, My appointed one; I will show you how to bring them living water and lead them to the true love they long for. I will make a way for you to lead them to me. And because you loved and followed Me, you will be the one they'll thank on the other side of eternity for showing them the way to heaven.


Your King who refreshes and leads 

Have a nice Saturday everyone may God bless you all!

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