Michael seemed taken aback by the rage, and she turned to face the raging fly. Beelzebub knew this was suspicious but did they care?

"Zeriouzly?!" They shouted, even louder. Michael nodded solemnly, a little bit completely terrified of the Prince. Beelzebub picked up some of the paperwork and threw it to the floor in anger. Then they stormed out of their office and into Dagon's. Michael followed, and watched the scene of Beelzebub shouting at Dagon, asking which demon did it. She was surprised how upset they seemingly were.

"Who did it?!" They yelled. Hastur and a few other demons came round the corner and watched. Beelzebub's wings were out, and their eyes were glowing a vague red in anger.

"Hastur did, hadn't you heard?" Dagon asked, unfazed by the Lord's fury.

Beelzebub turned, and left the office into the halls. They saw Hastur watching the scene and stopped. They were a few meters away, and everyone in the surroundings could practically feel the heat radiating off Beelzebub. Hastur moved first, judging the situation just right, and took off sprinting down the halls. Beelzebub followed but only went a few meters before falling down, having tripped over their own feet. The redness in their eyes returned to the pale blue, and they sat up a bit, sobbing uncontrollably and furiously.

They wrapped the six, feathered, dirty wings around themselves and more traitorous tears fell. Michael and Dagon glanced at each other, both completely confused. Dagon shrugged.

Beelzebub was now in a world of their own. Gabriel had been discorporated. By Hellfire, which meant he was completely dead. Gone. They would never see him again. More tears came, and they gathered in a small, pathetic puddle beneath them. How was it possible for there to be so many tears coming out of one beings.

More demons gathered and watched as their usually confident and strong Lord cried. They must've been crying and sobbing for hours. They hated themselves for being weak enough to cry but only cried more for hating themselves.

A couple of days later, Beelzebub just sat in their office staring at nothing for hours on end.

"I feel a bit bad." Michael admitted, sitting down at the café table with a coffee.

"Why?" Dagon asked, before taking a huge mouthful of cream cake.

"The plan worked, but you saw how upset Beelzebub was." Michael said.

"Doesn't matter." Hastur said, "they'll realise he's alive."

"Yeah, but then they'll realise what we did." Michael said. "They'll both know that we tested to know what was going on between them."

"So?" Dagon asked, licking her fingers. Michael wore a look of disgust for the demon.

"They'll be angry at us." Michael said solemnly.

"Doesn't matter now we have something to hold against them." Dagon shrugged.

The three sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I still feel bad for Beelzebub though." Michael said.

"Honestly, me too." Dagon admitted.

"It was mean." Michael said.

"We're demons." Hastur pointed out. "I know what you mean though. You ought to make Gabriel see Beelzebub soon, they're really depressed now."

"I'll tell him later." Michael said. "Pretend it's a meeting." Dagon nodded.

"Oh well, it'll turn out fine and at least we know something's going on between them now." Dagon concluded.

"We knew that anyway," Michael stated, "but we have proof now." Hastur lit a cigarette and left, before the other two did the same. They may have worked together but they still hated each other.

"You have a meeting with Beelzebub later." Michael let Gabriel know, casually, as if nothing had happened.

"Ok." Gabriel said, pleased he had an excuse to see his demon.

There was a knock on Beelzebub's door. Beelzebub hated everything right now.
"Fuck. Off." They yelled.

Gabriel took that as his queue to enter. Beelzebub stared up at him. He was there. He was there? Their mind was playing tricks with themselves. Surely. Fucking mind. Gabriel stepped forward. He seemed normal.

Whatever, Beelzebub would take it if he really was there. So they got up and flung their arms around him. More silent tears came, but not as many as before. They then kissed him, triumphant that he was really there.

"What is it?" Gabriel asked, pulling away. This was weird. All he knew was that Beelzebub was now storming out of their office. He followed and watched them yell something indecipherable (because of the buzzing) at Dagon and Hastur, who were both in Dagon's office. Although they seemed to know what was going on.

Once Beelzebub had finished shouting, they went back into their office and dragged Gabriel onto their chair where they sat on him and huddled themselves into his chest. He just hugged them and decided that it probably wasn't worth trying to get an explanation.

So, this started out at 2am because my cat woke me up with a mouse and I started out trying to do some fileflies. Then it turned to angst, then it turned to this. Idk. 50th chapter though 🥳🥳 and thx to everyone who has read this far, it means a lot to me.

(Word count: 1489)

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