48 (A/N: ships)

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This isn't a proper chapter, it's just about all the ships and how I imagine all the ships are. I might write about some different ships or elaborate this in future. Anyways...

Aziraphale x Crowley
Beelzebub x Gabriel
They're obvious ones. I also kind of ship Hastur x Ligur. Some people ship Dagon and Beelzebub (fileflies) but I don't like that because that means you can't have Beelzebub x Gabriel. Although I still think Dagon likes Beelzebub. So: Dagon likes Beelzebub who is secretly with Gabriel, but she thinks Beelzebub would say yes if she did the equivalent of humans asking each other out.

In Heaven, I 100% ship Michael x Uriel, but also think that Michael x Dagon could be interesting. Sandalphon is kind of just lonely lol. And in my opinion Archangel Raphael (who isn't really mentioned in the series or book) is actually Crowley before he fell. I love Beelzebub x Gabriel, but I also just LOVE Beelzebub anyway in case you haven't noticed lol.

I kind of ship Warlock with Adam (like when they all grow up), and feel like there should be some really obvious ship for Pepper (when she is older).

I think that 3 of the 4 horsemen (Pollution, Famine and War, but not including Death) should be some sort of threesome or just really close friends. Idk why.

For more chapters, I'm considering doing an AU of some sort but I'm not good at writing those and wouldn't know what to do so... yh.

If anyone has any requests then please ask for them because I don't have many ideas, and don't want to finish the book yet. I'll probably go to chapter 50, and then start only updating it if I get an idea because I've spent a lot of time on this so far.

Anyway thx for reading this because this isn't actually a one shot lol.

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