24 (IB)

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My job was fairly boring, but what else would I expect? It was just a part time thing in a small café to get a bit of extra pocket money for myself. I was only 19 and trying to make it in college.

It was just a normal day, I'd been working there for about 4 months, so I'd got used to the way things worked. I'd also got to the point where I didn't really care about the customers and didn't pay them much attention. My life at that moment was going pretty boring, but then a person walked in.

They were short, and dressed in mostly black with a red sash. They seemed to give off a very weird vibe, mostly because of the flies constantly buzzing around their head. As they came closer to the counter I realised they had a huge fly on their head, with red eyes, and they had painful looking boils and blisters covering half of their face. I could tell they were female, but it just felt right to say they for a reason I couldn't figure out.

"Two coffeez and a cake." They said, buzzing under their voice which was strange. I felt completely terrified but why? I tried to be casual and make the usual conversation like with any other person.

"Sure, what kind of cake?"

"I don't care." They said, and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck all stand up smart and straight.

"Ok..." I said, trying to sound like they're being weird, which they are, buy they don't seem to care, "are you meeting someone here?" I don't know why I asked, and instantly regretted it.

"None of your buzzzinezz." They said. They seemed suspicious, like they weren't allowed to be there.

I handed them what they ordered and they took it before sitting down. I tried to distract myself by just getting on with my job, which worked for a while, but about 5 minutes later, a tall man dressed in light grey came in and sat down with the person. I know there are sayings like 'opposites attract' but these two were beyond opposite.

I couldn't here their full conversation, and didn't dare go closer to try to, but I heard the short dark one buzz a lot. The man seemed to laugh a lot, and they seemed almost like a demon and angel. Of course they weren't, I'm not crazy, but they seemed like it. Even if they were, what would they be doing together.

I happened to be wiping down a table when I heard the man say
"How can you ruin your celestial body with food?" He said 'food' in a disgusted tone. This seemed weird, he had to eat like the rest of us. I wiped down the table for longer than needed listening to the rest of the conversation.

"You should try it. It's like sleep, we don't need it, but it's nice." They said. What did they mean they didn't need sleep? The man must've pulled a face which I didn't see because they carried on. "Besides, what kind of demon of gluttony would I be if I didn't eat?" What? That must be a joke, surely.

"Fair enough, but I'm still not trying it." They were serious. I finished wiping the table, and went to the counter. I took advantage of the temporary quietness and looked up demon of gluttony, the thing that came up was Beelzebub, then it went on about some other stuff. I glanced up at them. This was... unsettling. I went over to the table to take away the possible 'Beelzebub's plate. As I approached cautiously, I heard them say to the man;

"You fucking angels." At the end of a sentence. Well, did that make it official?

"Um, are you finished with this plate?" I asked, even though it was obviously empty.

"Yeah, thanks." The man said politely. Why would a demon and an angel be together? They couldn't be, I was being completely stupid. I had half an hour until the end of my shift, so I wouldn't be here much longer thankfully.

~27 minutes later~
"Come on Beelzebub, we ought to go now." Said the man, he just called them Beelzebub. Is it a coincidence? Probably. It was pure luck that I could leave too, so I took off my apron, and said bye to another waiter who was there to take over my shift.

I followed them a few metres behind, praying they wouldn't notice me and become suspicious. I followed them to a huge office building which I had never thought much of before and followed them inside, not knowing what else to do. It was spotlessly clean, and the floor tiles were inhumanly shiny. There were two escalators, the set on the left was glowing green. This was weird. The two people stepped onto them, the supposed angel going up, and 'Beelzebub' flipping upside down and going down.

I ran away.
I sprinted.
I wish I hadn't because I could never find that building again for some reason.

This is just a thing, because I was thinking what if people saw the main entrances to Heaven and Hell? Anyway thx for reading. (Word count: 882)

Good Omens OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora