31 (IB/IH sort of)

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"Ugh." Gabriel stated. He was alone in his office so he didn't know why he said it, but he felt like it needed saying. Sandalphon had told him to try a few more human things to try and become more familiar to them, so he was trying. He was failing and wishing he had decided to try something else. He practically threw the cube onto his desk and huffed, breaking his usually flawless calmness. He could always miracle it to be solved, but that wasn't the point. He couldn't even get the white side.

He sighed again, glaring at his new worst enemy. He never knew how possible it was to hate an object, he used to think it was stupid to hate things that weren't living or conscious, but now he had an entirely different opinion.

"Michael" he called for the other Archangel who was always outside his office doing paperwork. No one had really given him the job of paperwork, but he had realised that if he didn't do it no one would.

"Yes?" Michael replied, putting his head round the corner of the door.

"I'm trying to do a human invention called a 'Rubik's cube' and it's surprisingly difficult, I was wondering if you want a go." He explained. He wanted to prove to himself that it wasn't just him being stupid.

"Ok." Michael agreed, letting himself into the office and going to pick up the colourful cube. He examined it for a few minutes, and Gabriel observed curiously. He turned it a few times, trying various things, and failed to get it into any better condition than Gabriel had already got it into. Whoever invented this was probably in Hell so they couldn't exactly ask them how to do it. "I'm afraid I'm clueless how to do it." He eventually said.

Gabriel took it back and stared at it for a while. It was very interesting. He was determined to do it now, but still had no idea how. "Go and get Uriel, we'll see if he can do any better." Gabriel instructed, not taking his eyes off the colours. Michael walked away, and after a few minutes she came back with company.

"Uriel," Gabriel greeted, "have a go at this," he gave him the cube, "it's a human thing. Sandalphon said I should try more human things, and this is really hard." He explained, seeing the confused look on the Archangel.

"Ok..." Uriel said, as if there was something suspicious going on, before trying and failing the puzzle like the others. "Well, it is quite hard actually." Gabriel just nodded. After a little while of them swapping round and trying more, Sandalphon walked in, looking for the other Archangels.

"What are you up to then?" They asked, seeing the others grouped in a small circle (triangle) discussing with each other.

"We're trying to figure out a Rubik's cube, it's a human thing like you said I should try." Gabriel explained for the third time that day.

"Oh, they're hard until you know how to do them." Sandalphon commented. The others looked up at them simultaneously.

"Do you know how to do it?" Michael asked, and it seemed like the most amazing thing ever when they nodded. The others exchanged glances, and Sandalphon suddenly seemed like the most impressive person alive. They just grinned smugly and left, making the others even more determined to do it. It couldn't be that hard, could it? It was only a cube made of other cubes.

~3 hours later~
The cube sat on the floor, in between three Archangels who were also sat on the floor, trying anything that was not a miracle to solve it. They had managed to get the white side, and now, no one dared to even touch it in case they accidentally muddled it somehow. A few booklets had come into existence in the past few hours, and they were looking for solutions.

Sandalphon walked in, "still at it?" They asked, only to receive some half-hearted nods. They chuckled, before leaving again.

"We need some more help." Uriel suggested,

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