"Hey pretty boy. Seems like you can't do shit right." One spits in my face, and the anger resting in my chest from Michael, ignites into flames. I shove him away from me, causing him to fall into a pile of garbage bags.

The other still holds my shirt, and throws me back against the solid brick wall, making my vision fade black briefly as my head hits the pavement.

"If you won't listen to Michael, then I guess you might just listen to David." He chuckles, and chews the gum in his mouth obnoxiously loud in my face. "But don't worry, we'll make sure you're still pretty when you see him."

He releases my shirt, and before I can say another word, his fist slams into my eye and my whole world fades to black.


"Zayn?" I glance up in horror to see Ella standing right in front of me. Her eyes are glossy and a tear streams down her cheek. She's dressed in sweatpants, some shirt I can't fucking see, and a black leather jacket, which tells me, knowing her, she didn't put much thought into her appearance.

"Wha-what," I cough up blood once again onto the carpet, and wipe it away before looking back at her. "Are you doing here? What the fuck?"

She kneels down to me, and presses her hands gently on top of the bruises across my cheeks. "What happened to you?" She whispers, and sniffs as a tear escapes her eye.

"Lovely. You're both here!" David chimes in, and stands from the booth. "I must say its a surprise seeing you two are clearly closely acquainted. Honestly love, of all people, him?"

She turns back to me, with a confused face. "Why would he say that?"

I use all the strength I have left, to stand on my own two feet. At first my vision fades in and out, but the blood settles and I can finally see straight. "I told you Ella, way back, that I couldn't tell you about my job. This is exactly what I was trying to keep from you."

I wipe a drip of blood that escapes the corner of my chapped lips, and wipe it on my black jeans. She continues stare up at me with wide, blue eyes, in shock.

Completely speechless.

"Is there something I should know?" Her voice is shaky and on edge, fearful and cautious of the situation.

David steps forward a bit closer, just a few feet away from us. "It seems Ella, that Zayn couldn't do his job correctly. Hence why he was brought here."

"Wait, you work for him?!" She backs away immediately, distancing herself from me. For once, I'm grateful.

Please do go.

Run, as far and fast as you a can.

Keep yourself safe, because I certainly can't anymore.

I nod my head slowly, and she covers her mouth in shock. The tears are endless afterwards, after the realization sets in. But I'm not too sure she completely understands the situation.

"You don-" I hunch over, and cough once again, thankful that this time didn't include blood. "Don't, understand babe."

"He's right you don't." David winces awkwardly, pointing between us. "He does underground work for me, but I'm sure it's not what you think it is." He blatantly lies to her face.

She couldn't be more right, and it's exactly what she thinks it is.

"Then what the hell is it?! I'm so confused." She runs her hair through her shaggy short hair, messing it up completely.

"Drugs, Ella. Drugs." I spit out, and she whips her head back at me.

"As in-"

"Illegal substances yes love, use your brain." David steps in, and I'm ready to actually kill him.

He reaches for his phone, and smiles as he looks at the screen. "Hello? Yeah, he's right here."

He scans the both of us up and down, before reaching the phone out to me. "Your boss wants to talk to you."

I take the phone, and shakily place it to my ear, careful not to touch the fresh gaping wound on my cheek. "Hello?"

"I'm tired of your shit Zayn." He yells into the phone, and I flinch away slightly.

"Bring her to me, exactly where I told you to. You couldn't listen, and now everything is falling apart. But, for some fucking reason, there's still hope on this earth left for you. If you can prove to me that you don't care about her? I'll let you live."

He hangs up, and I'm left with even more shit on my plate than before. I glance at her, and she's already a good ten feet away from me. Backing towards the wall.

"We need to leave." I mutter, and brush the scratches over my knuckles gently.

"I know. I know that, and I know why. Which is why I'm letting you go with ease. Could you escort these two outside gentlemen?" He snaps his fingers, and two bulky muscular men walk up to the both of us, and grab us by the arms.

Ella whimpers in pain, and I lunge for him. "Do not, hurt her!"

"Easy Zayn, easy. Mark please do be gentle with the lady?" David backs away, and stuffs his hands in his pockets as we're escorted out. The man grabbing me is a lot harsher than the other is with Ella, but I don't care.

They burst open a door, letting the light from a nearby street lamp illuminate the sidewalk. We're shoved out on the sidewalk, and the metal door slams behind us.

She's quiet, too quiet while she stands in place, shaking and scared. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and she refuses to look at me. Instead, glancing at the concrete beneath her feet.

I reach for her to pull her close, and ultimately come up with a good ass explanation. "El-"

"Don't you dare touch me!" She pushes me away, and finally meets my eyes. The once light, electrifying blue that I've come accustomed to is now, dark and resentful. Terrifying, and murderous.

"I can explain!"

"You have five minutes." She shakes her head, and I know very well, it took everything for her to even give me that.

"Thats the thing. I need about thirty." I wince, and my heart picks up at the terrifying thoughts running through my head.


"Because I have to take you somewhere that'll really help you understand."

Secrets (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now