Chapter 66

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Ella's POV

"I just told you I didn't want to talk about him with you. Leave me alone Michael, or I will see to it that you never escape a jail cell again." I storm off down the street, forgetting for a moment exactly where I am, but recovering quickly.

My heart is pounding in my ears, and I can't stop shaking as I walk. Whether it's from the cold weather or my nerves, I'm not sure. But it's most likely both.

I decide to take a bus all the way back to campus, shortening what would be a dreadful walk accompanied by thoughts Id rather not welcome at the moment. As soon as I step on, and slide into a seat next to the window, an elderly woman about the age of seventy sits down next to me.

"Not to be rude mam, but there are at least twenty other seats on this bus." I glance around, pointing at all the other green plastic chairs.

"I know dear. I just wanted to ask, are you Ellana Rivers?"

I eye her suspiciously, reminding myself that with Michael, he'd go to the extreme to have someone keep tabs on me just to make sure I was miserable. And I highly doubt he would reject the idea of an innocent elderly woman to play the part.

"Who's asking?"

"Just me?" She frowns at me, sliding her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, I am. How did yo-"

"I'm not sure anyone has told you this, but changing your hairstyle? Doesn't change your face dear. Clearly, most people in this world have enough respect to leave you alone about your mother, and pretend that drastic haircut makes you practically invisible." She smiles kindly and pats my knee, the cold touch of her palm seeping under the fabric of my leggings.

"Thank you? And I mean thanks for the advice, along with not bothering me."

"Not a problem at all. If I may ask, why haven't you left London yet?" The bus departs from the stop, headed towards campus.

"Why would I?"

"Well, it's good way to start over. Go somewhere no one knows you, or you think no one knows you, and completely reset your life."

I think for a moment, and actually start to agree with her. A fresh start would be nice, especially living somewhere my father can't haunt me in, nor find me for the rest of my life. But there's still Zayn here. And as mad as I am at him, I wouldn't and couldn't just pick up and leave without even suggesting he come with.

"You're right." I mumble more to myself than her, and she laughs lightly next to me.

"Of course I am."

The bus pulls just in front of the school, and comes to a complete stop.

"Okay, this is me. Thank you again, uhmm,-"

"Faith." She smiles and holds her hand out to me shakily.

"Thank you Faith. It was very nice talking to you." I press her frail hand between both of mine, and feel her thin cold skin shake between my palms.

Without another word, I hop off the bus and head inside, allowing the familiar warmth and scent of the lobby to overwhelm me as I head back to my dreaded, empty dorm.

Zayns POV

I run to my car, and quickly hop in, slamming the door behind me. Most likely out of anger, rather than to escape the cold weather, but Im warm so that's a plus.

I want to chase after her, and not care what she's says as long as I know that no one is hurting her. But the stubborn part of me wants to prove that I can listen, unlike her, and leave her alone for the rest of the night.

First thing tomorrow morning though, I'll be knocking on her door, not settling for anything less than an 'I love you'.

My phones lights up in the cup holder, and I glance down to see Ella's face lit up bright, and smiling. Although, it isn't her calling or even leaving a message.

On the contrary, it's from the one person I don't need to talk to right now.

"Ella looks delicious in red."

I sigh, rolling my eyes and praying to whoevers out there that I find enough patience to respond.

"You're fucking sick."

"Not as sick as Michael sounded talking to her just now."


"What are you talking about?" I type faster than I ever thought I could, impatiently drumming my fingers against the steering wheel in anticipation.

"Yeah, I was watching from a distance. It's so funny watching her squirm at the sight of him :)"

Immediately, I peel out of the parking lot and race towards my flat. I should change out of these clothes and into something warm before heading down to threaten James with his life, if he doesn't give me answers.


"James!" I shout through the bar of the downstairs floor, grabbing the attention of every single person sitting on a silver stool.

He turns to me, and leans on one elbow, smiling sarcastically with his fist pressed up against his cheek. "That's a record Zayn. Got to say, I didn't think you'd be here for another fifteen minutes."

"Is she okay?" I dismiss his taunting, and cut to the chase.

"No need to be rude. Damn, no hello or anything. My day was fine, thanks for asking mate."

"I guess I should've asked, since it would be your last day on earth if you're not going to answer my fucking question." I lean close to him, and rip his drink out of his hand, spilling it everywhere.

He eyes me up and down, with an arrogant cocky smirk on his face, and nods approvingly. "Alright fine. She's perfectly okay. I watched her get on a bus, probably to head back to campus."

"And Michael didn't get on it with her?"

"No he didn't."

I sigh of relief, happy to know her father didn't try to hurt her at all or taunt her anymore about her mum.

"Okay, thanks." I adjust my jacket, and straighten my posture before heading to the door.

"Oh, Zayn?"

I cringe at the sound of my name coming from him, and turn slowly. "Yes?"

"I hope you know you're making the worst decision ever. Not that you haven t made pretty bad ones already. She's a lovely girl, it's a shame."

I smirk, and chew on the inside of my cheek before answering him. "For the amount of money I'm getting? I'd call it the best decision."

He chuckles and nods, before he turns back to the bar. As for me, I feel the need to vomit immediately and rid myself of the sick feeling resting in my stomach. Created simply from the thought of betraying her trust and love, by handing her over to Michael.

I could've sworn I pressed publish like two hours ago xD

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