Chapter 2 - Friends...?

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John went to the next few classes before it was break (or recess or whatever idc). He want to the location that Jade had mentioned. It was a cork tree not too far from the building. He noticed there wasn't just three people there like he'd expected. There were actually seven. One looked similar to Rose but sorta androgynous, one looked like a male version of Jade, another was a shaded dude that looked like Dave but with weeb glasses instead of aviators, and the last one was... His... Cousin Jane?

His dad had never mentioned that his cousin, Jane Crocker, went to this school. They hadn't seen eachother in so long that he was surprised he even recognized her anymore. Not that she looks much different, she just got slightly taller. As he approached the group, Jane recognized him and smiled.

"John!" She gasped, running over to her slightly younger cousin. "I've missed you! Hoo hoo." She giggled as she pulled him into a tight hug. 

"John? You know Jane?" Jade asked, John assumed that Jane didn't mention him. He never really talked about Jane after years of not seeing her, so surely she'd have been the same way.

He then explained that they were cousins and after that Jade introduced him to the other people. The Rose look-a-like was called Roxy they were Rose's sibling, The male Jade was her cousin Jake, and then the weeb-ish looking Dave was called Dirk, he was his older brother.

The three John had just met and Jane were all in their senior year of highschool, the other four being juniors. 

Roxy pulled John aside mid-conversation. "Hey. John..." They said quietly. "Do you know anything about this school other than what people talk about in the media?" They asked, he shook his head. "I gotta warn you... This school isn't what it seems, it's got a lotta bad eggs in it y'know? I had to drag you away because Janey shuts down everything I say about it since her grandmother is the principal.. Well I guess you're also related to her too." They said, John had a look of confusion on his face.

"Hey! RoLal!" Jane called, Roxy turned to look at her. Jane walked over. "Hey, you better not be hitting on my cousin" She giggled, Roxy blushed slightly, shaking their head.

"Ugh, c'mon Janeyyyyyy. You know who I liiiiike." they sighed, looking over at Jane. They both giggled cheerfully.

John and Roxy walked back to the others. John had a lot to think about after hearing what Roxy had to say. He was curious about what exactly they meant by "bad eggs". Before long, the bell went, symbolizing the end of break and the beginning of their next classes. John sighed and began walking with everyone else. 

The next class was one he had with Dave so at least he wasn't going to be completely on his own this class and luckily enough Dave sat alone when he didn't share classes with his friends so John could sit with someone he knew.

The classes afterward weren't very interesting, but in the final class before lunch he met a kinda interesting girl who he'd sat next to. She seemed pretty popular and she actually talked to him which was a surprise since most popular people in his past just avoided him due to his nerdy appearance.

The girl's name was Vriska Serket and although at first glance she seemed to have normal interests, it turned out she was a big fan of D&D and was actually really smart which isn't the popular stereotype that John had expected. 

She asked if they could trade phone numbers saying that he "seems cool" and that he'd totally fit in with her friends so maybe they should hang out sometime. John agreed, she honestly seemed great and, although he barely knew her, he thought she was kinda cute.

After that class he made his way to the cafeteria to get lunch, once his got his food he scanned the area looking for his friends. As soon as he saw them he went over. He noticed Vriska and looked over at her and gave her a small wave - which she returned - before sitting down with the others.

"Oooh, John, have you made a new friend?" Jane asked, "or maybe you like someone?" She giggled, John shrugged in response.

"I guess I have made a new friend. She gave me her numbe-"

Roxy cut him off. "oooooh, details! We need to know details! Who?" They giggled, seeming very curious about this.

"Uhhh... Just a girl in my last class..." He responded, feeling awkward.

"Who! Names Johnny! I wanna know whooooooo" They smiled enthusiastically, Dave and Dirk had their blank expressions stuck on their face, unamused by Roxy, John assumed they was used to Roxy acting like this.

"You might not know her... She's Vriska Ser-" He got cut off again, but this time it was Dave who cut him of.

"No." He said, blankly. "If you're talking about Vriska that popular bitch then no, you should stay the fuck away from her. She isn't what she seems. Besides she doesn't talk to lame ass nerds so there's a red flag which means it's a bad idea to even try to consider her a friend." Dave said, deadpan. 

Rose looked to Dave. "Dude... No need to be harsh, I know you have issues with th-"

"Rose can you not talk about my life near every damn person you meet? What happens in my life stays between the Strilondes, no one else EVER gets to hear about it. Okay?" Dave said, losing the monotone voice and blank expression, he was practically shouting. No one at the other tables paid attention though, since the cafeteria was already too loud for anyone else to notice.

Dave then stood up and left right after he finished speaking. Dirk sighed "I guess I should probably follow my bro then." He said, in the signature Strider tone, monotonous and emotionless, before getting up and going after Dave.

John had a confused look on his face but the girls all changed the subject like nothing had happened. He moved to sit next to Jake. What just happened...?" He asked Jake because the others, although worried in the moment, appeared just fine seconds later, unlike Jake who still seemed uneasy, they had continued talking amongst themselves about some other shit, John didn't really listen into their conversation.

"Oh, nothing. Just a bit of nonsense I guess." He spoke with his stereotypical English accent. John asked him if that was normal for Dave, to which Jake nodded. "Yes, um, Mini Strider seems to get upset at the mention of Ms. Serket but the others keep it within their family. Although the Striders and Lalondes are not directly related, the do live together and treat each other as such." He explained to John.

He wondered why Dave exploded with anger as soon as he mentioned being friends with Vriska, he had seemed calm and pretty much emotionless up until then. John sighed and checked his phone. He noticed Vriska sent him a message.

V: Hey I saw that loser run away from your group, what happened?

He just said that he got upset over something and left. She must have seen him get up and leave since it was too loud for her to hear him yell. He also didn't tell her the complete truth because she was the reason he walked away, and he didn't know if it'd be a good idea to tell her that, it might upset or annoy her. She wasn't that bad though, after all, she did talk to him in a class where he knew no one.


Word count: 1292
I hope y'all liked this chapter, stuff should get more interesting kinda soon since I have an idea. I know I'm not the best writer but I hope this story is good and at least some people read it bc Ik HS is old and my acc is dead lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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