The Ending

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Twenty One

I reread the letter again, before placing it on my mother's nightstand, along with the one labeled with Jalen's name.  It's an apology and an explanation of why I have to leave, but most importantly it describes the love I've grown for them. I place the small gun that I found in Avery's office in my YSL bag, before zipping up my jacket.

Avery and Monica are still enjoying their anniversary, so they won't be home until tonight. I decided that it's best if I handle things quickly because the more I procrastinate the more I'll talk myself out of it. I know most people won't understand why I've chosen this decision, but if you've never been in my position then you can't judge my actions.

At a very young age, I watched my brother take his last breath. We were at the park that day and everything was perfect. It was summertime and on that particular day it wasn't too hot, it was perfectly warm.  I remember the sounds of birds chirping and children laughing.  Monica had brought us ice cream cones and I remember how Montez had ruined his favorite blue Nike shirt with his chocolate ice cream, but he didn't care. He told me it was worth it and that mommy would fix it with the "magic machine" later. When we were finished, he ran to the swing sets and declared that he could swing higher than me. I wasn't one to give up on a challenge, so I ran after him.

I remember our laughter mixing in together as we tried to out swing each other, but after a while, I couldn't hear him anymore. I heard his body fall to the ground and when I looked over I just remember feeling scared. Everyone was oblivious to what was going on because the gun didn't make a sound.

"Montez?" My voice was shaky as I climbed off of the swing and slowly made my way towards him. He didn't respond and it wasn't until I was closer that I noticed the pool of blood surrounding him.

I wanted to scream, but nothing came out. I couldn't move nor could I speak. I could hear his breathing, it sounded so abnormal and rugged. I knew he was in pain because I saw tears falling down his face.

"Th-," he tried to say my name as his small hand reached out towards me and that's when I came back to life.

"Mommy!" I screamed so loud that the entire park went silent or maybe I imagined it did. I hurried to his side, not caring that his blood was staining my clothes and hands.

"Mommy!" I was crying now as his piercing hazel eyes bled into mine. I could see the life draining from them, the happiness that was just there minutes ago had now vanished.

"Thea?" My mother's voice was close and the moment she found us her screams filled my ears.

"Montez! Montez, baby!"

He was already gone.

I wasn't the same after that, especially after finding my parents' blood everywhere and believing that they were dead. And, that's why it's so hard to just walk away.

I stare at the mansion that Jalen's parents live in, before wiping my tears and climbing out of the car. I make my way up the long driveway, before approaching the front door and ringing the doorbell. It takes a minute for someone to come open it and I smile politely at the unfamiliar middle-aged woman that answers. She's wearing a plain white t-shirt and light blue jeans.

"Can I help you?" She asks nicely.

"I'm looking for Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore," I answer.

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