The Caves

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Chapter Eleven

"This is so beautiful," I place my hands onto the wall in front of me, before peering down at the beautiful blue water beneath us.

It's been a few weeks since the fight and we've finally approached the week of Dani's birthday. We arrived at our beach house, located in Negril, Jamaica, last night. We were all too tired to explore the unique mansion when we got here and the others are still sleeping in, so Jalen and I decided to look around this afternoon. I've fallen in love with how the house actually resembles a cave and how welcoming it feels. Even the air is different, more fresh and enjoyable.

"Everybody should be waking up soon," Jalen glances at his watch, before looking around.

"Don't you love it here?" I walk towards him with a big smile on my face, before wrapping my arms around his lower torso and resting my head against his chest.

"Yeah. It's nice," his hands find their way onto my ass and he cups it in his hands, causing me to look up at him.

His eyes meet mine and he leans down, placing a gentle kiss against my lips and I instinctively return it. He deepens the kiss, making a small moan escape my lips.

"Hell naw," Jay's voice pulls us out of our moment, "take that shit back in y'all room."

I roll my eyes as Jalen simultaneously smacks his lips.

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" He stresses and Jay shrugs.

"We're having brunch," he tells us, before walking away and we follow behind him at a distance. Jalen grabs onto my hand and I intertwine our fingers together.

"I found them."

We enter the area where the others are waiting for us and I admire how the room is set up, which is decorated in an extravagant style. There's even an opening, that gives you a beautiful view of the water.

"Isn't this beautiful?"  Dani's eyes are lit up with excitement as she turns her attention towards us

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"Isn't this beautiful?" Dani's eyes are lit up with excitement as she turns her attention towards us.

"It is," I settle into a seat at the bar next to Jalen and Josiah.

There's a personal bartender and a few chefs accompanying us, so we order our food and drinks as everybody joins in on conversations and we enjoy being in each other's presence. I look around the room as everybody talks and laughs and I can't help but smile. I've grown so close to everybody here and I couldn't imagine where I'd be without them. Dani's eyes catch mine and we share a smile.

"Let's go to the water," Josiah suggests as we finish eating and we all agree to meet back up at the water.

"I'm so full," I push open the door to me and Jalen's room and he comes up behind me, before placing the palm of his hand onto my stomach and rubbing it comfortingly.

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