Braxton sat by Zeek immediately and began to rummage through his backpack, pulling out an aspirin to help Zeek with the pain and carefully inspecting the wounds. He didn't notice people moving behind him until Ryan gently rested a hand on his shoulder. Ryan sat down next to Braxton and began to look through his own backpack, pulling out some alcohol wipes to help clean up the blood on Zeek's lip. Braxton smiled gently at Ryan, thankful for the help.

Neither really paid attention to the chatter behind them, but Braxton could quickly figure out that Micheal and his friends followed. Ryan was calm as he carefully helped inspect the injuries Zeek had acquired, and Zeek sat silently as Braxton and Ryan checked. It was Ryan to notice that Zeek's figures were bent oddly, and upon touching them Zeek hissed in pain. "Broken," Ryan mumbled softly. Ryan searched through his bag some more and pulled out some gauze that he wrapped around the fingers to help straighten them. Mumbling out a sorry when Zeek made a noise.

"Why'd you all follow?" Zeek asked, wanting to ignore the pain.

Gabe smiled softly, "We saw your friends rush out and were concerned."

"I mean," Levi spoke up from the back of the group, holding Jaxson's hand, "the text was enough to bring me back to the school."

"Didn't think the words 'I got beat up' would concern you all so much," Zeek said.

"We wouldn't have been concerned if it was Salem, but you're different Zeek. Most people tend to like you," Levi said. Salem glared at him.

"Thanks so much Levi, love ya too," Salem grumbled. Gabe elbowed him.

Zeek noticed that, "Should've figured you two would've ended up together."

Gabe blushed and looked away some as Salem wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "Better choice than Adrian that's for damn sure. Worst idea ever."

Zeek laughed. Adrian, who was now sitting down and trying to stretch his leg some, rolled his eyes. "Gabe run while you can."

"It's about two years too late for that."

"Two years??" Zeek said, "Damn. I'm fucking dumb."

"Don't shit talk yourself Zeek," Braxton said, "Have you eaten?" Zeek rolled his eyes and Braxton handed him a granola bar. "Eat. Now."

Zeek went to say something, but stopped when he remembered that others were around. Instead he opened the granola bar and bit into it while glaring at Braxton.

"Boy don't you dare glare at me. It's not my damn fault you decided to be my friend. My friend means you get my worry," Braxton said, a french accent appearing from seemingly nowhere with his rage.

Maddox laughed some, "That makes you mad enough you almost slip into your native language." Braxton mumbled something none of the other's heard or understood.

"He's insulting you Maddox," Austin said quietly, "I know he said fuck and dumb in that."

"Do you know french?" Braxton asked Austin.

"Not fluently," Austin replied.


"Braxton you won't be insulting Austin in french," Adrian said, swallowing something.

Salem's eyes locked in on Adrian, "Did you bring your meds to school again?"

"So what if I did?" Adrian replied.

"If you get us into trouble again Addy I swear to fucking Odi-" Salem was cut up by Gabe gently tugging on his sleeve. "Fine."

Maddox looked at Gabe, "What type of witchcraft shit?"

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