Y/N: What's wrong?

She lowered the blanket enough for you to see her chest and shoulders. Marks were sparkled on her skin.

Felicia: Why is it when I try to leave marks they dissappear? Am I not doing it right?

Vemon: Hahaha! I take back what I sssaid.

You suddenly had an idea. Since Venom could understand what you were thinking, he helped you out. He softened up a spot and replicated a mark she had made last night.

Y/N: You left one.

Felicia saw the mark and smiled. She was like a little kid getting excited.

Venom: I know I sssaid my job wasss to protect you. Sssslight chance. I'm protecting her to.
You ended up returning to the tower earlier than you said you would. Only by a minute or two. When you exited the elevator you were greeted by everyone in the living room. All eyes were on you. You felt your stomach drop slightly since you were hoping to at least get to your room first and change. Widow crossed her arms and smiled.

Widow: You look like you had fun last night.

Wah, how did she know?! Was it that obvious?!

Venom: Hey kid, now might be a good time to tell you that you have a lipsssstick sssstain on your neck.


Venom: Mossstly for thissss.

He appeared on your shoulder and wiped the stain away. You wanted to die from embarrassment. This is not how you wanted them to find out. Venom disappeared back under your shirt and you just stood there.

Miles: Sooooo....who's the lady?

Marvel: What does it matter? Everyone was gone so it wasn't any of my OTPs.

Widow walked over and placed an arm around your shoulder.

Widow: Visiting a friend huh?

You groaned while Widow and Venom laughed. You looked up and spotted Viv. She was looking at you like she was, hurt. She noticed you were looking at her but she looked away. What was that about?
Night finally fell and training was done for the day. You ended up staying in your room since you were still tired from stopping Black Cat. You didn't get to rest too much since you did have to meet Felicia for that date. Then you were awake for most of last night.

Venom: You were too busssy fuc...

There was a knock on your door. Someone entered the room and knocked on the closet door. You opened it and poked your head out. It was Danny.

Danny: Yo. We were going to play some board games Sam bought from home. Wanna come?

You decided you would, despite this morning's events, and you crawled out of the small space. You followed your friend to the living room where mostly everyone was. Laura seemed to have not been a fan of the idea. You spotted Viv who still refused to look at you.

Y/N: I wonder if she's mad at me.

Venom: We're really doing thisss huh?

You sat down next to Miles and Danny. Sam explained the rules of the game, funniest card wins or whatever, and you we given a hand of black cards. You started to play, you didn't even know what most of these cards said, and you eventually began to feel a bit more comfortable.

Gwen: So, Y/N. Care to tell us about this mystery woman?

You flinched at the sudden question.

Venom: Haha! You fool! You thought they forgot!

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