
"Home," Percy smiled slightly at this one.

"Cheez Whiz."

"Ping pong," he said. "Wait, what?"

Annabeth just smiled and said: "Blackjack."

"Nothing," he winced.



"Kiss," she said, trying to spark a memory of their first kiss, or their underwater kiss on the day they started dating.

Instead, Percy said: "Me."

Gladly, Annabeth thought.

No! Another voice in her head said. Not gladly! That was an accident, ignore it.

Percy blushed so furiously, his neck turned red.

"No! U-um, I mean..." he stuttered.

"It's okay," Annabeth said, smiling. "That was pretty good for a first try."

"Sorry?" Percy still looked flustered.

"Your memories. You remembered quite a bit, even if some of it didn't make sense to you."

"Oh. Right, yeah," he said. "Should we try some more, then?"

Annabeth shrugged. "Sure. Let's see, um... Mr. D."

"Wine dude."

Annabeth laughed again.

"What, isn't he? The god of wine, right?" Percy looked embarrassed. Gods, he was so adorable when he was embarrassed.

"I guess," she said, once the laughter had subsided. "Brother."

"Peanut butter."


"Snack bar," Annabeth had heard Grover, Thalia, and Percy make "dam" jokes at least a thousand times.





"I'm running out of ideas," Annabeth admitted.

"That's okay," Percy said. He stared at the water, swinging his legs slightly. Then he said: "Annabeth?"


"How long were we together before... all of this?" He was definitely avoiding her eyes.

"Oh. Almost two months," she said, caught off guard.

"And then I just... disappeared?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Annabeth sighed. "You went to bed after sitting at the campfire for a while, and the next morning you were just... gone. Without a trace."

"Oh," Percy was quiet for a little bit. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be. It's not your fault that the gods like to screw with demigods' lives just to get what they need. Although I don't know about you, but the next time I see Hera I definitely have a few colorful things to say to her."

Percy cracked a smile. "Oh, me too."

They sat in comfortable silence for a little bit.

"Annabeth, look, I--"

"Oh, gods," she said.

"What?" Percy asked.

"Look," she pointed to a spot in the distance where she could barely make out Leo and Hazel approaching the ship on Arion. Annabeth could see a large square of copper in Hazel's hands, and a mob of what looked like angry people with cell phones was following close behind.

"Oh schist," Percy said.

Annabeth hopped off of the railing. "What were you saying?"

"What?" Percy pulled a ballpoint pen from his pocket.

"Before that. You said 'Annabeth, look'."

"Oh," Percy hesitated, then did something completely uncalled for. In one fluid motion, he placed his hand on the back of Annabeth's head, pulled her closer to him, and kissed her right on the lips. "That," he said, after pulling away, smiling slightly.

The kiss had only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough. Enough to make Annabeth realize that maybe Percy didn't need his memory. Maybe things would work out on their own.

A/N: Ok I know that kinda sounded like an ending but there's one more chapter coming (let's see if you can catch the foreshadowing in this chapter).
Hope you all are doing well, personally I'm still freaking out about the adaptation.
Also, thank you so much for 400 reads! That's literally insane you guys are the best <3

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