15: Truth and Fate

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The training grounds are quiet for the time of day. As the sun appears through some clouds overhead, I throw kunai knives at targets.

Target training is getting boring, but I can't practice genjutsu unless I have someone to practice on--and I can't practice on anyone without them finding out about my memory-invasion techniques. For a moment, I actually miss training with Obito Uchiha. 

The moment of reminiscing is cut short when someone comes up behind. 

"Hey," he says, shooting me a wave. It's Itachi.

"Oh, hey there." 

Itachi walks past me and pulls my kunai knives out of the targets. He hands them back to me and prepares his own.

"So, what do you think so far?" he asks, throwing a kunai at an empty target.

"Huh? Think of what?" I find a tree and lean against it. Itachi throws kunai and they all hit perfectly with ease.

"The ANBU."

"Oh," I say, running a hand through my hair. "It's alright. How long have you been in the ANBU?"

Itachi walks over to grab his kunai from the targets then puts them back in their holsters. "A couple years. First joined when I was 11."

Are you serious? That's what I want to say but I keep my awe to myself, determined to maintain a strong composure. "You mentioned you have a brother," I say, steering the conversation to something easy. 

Itachi finds a rock jutting from the ground and sits on top of it. "Yes, his name is Sasuke. He's six."

"If he's anything like you, he's probably pretty strong for his age," I remark, smiling kindly. Itachi doesn't smile back but I see his eyes soften.

"Sasuke trains hard, but he's got a ways to go yet. It's not easy, trying to live up to the Uchiha name," Itachi mutters. His tone is unreadable. I can't help but wonder what Itachi knows about the tension with the Uchiha clan and village.

I push off the tree and head to the middle of the training ground. 

"I'm a genjutsu user," I say. "Mind if I practice something on you?"

Itachi comes out into the middle of the field and nods, taking a seat cross-legged on the grass. 

"It's a new technique I've been working on," I say, kneeling down to be closer to his level. I steady myself on one knee and rest my elbows steadily on the other. "I'd appreciate it if you don't mention it to anyone... It's still a work-in-progress." 

"I understand," he says obediently. "I look forward to seeing what you're working on. I'm a genjutsu user myself." He rests his hands in his lap and looks me in the eyes. I nod firmly and close my eyes, gathering up my chakra. When I open them, I cast him into the genjutsu with ease.

He allows me to manipulate the neural transmissions in his brain without resistance. It's strange to enter someone's head without them trying to force me out. Even when I trained with Obito, he always kept a slight wall of resistance, keeping me out of his most vulnerable memories.

This genjutsu appears more like a regular genjutsu to the opponent. They see themselves, sitting on a chair in the middle of an empty abyss. What they don't realize is that I am in control of their ability to admit things. I ask a question and they answer truthfully every time, unable to lie or hold information back. 

My plan with Itachi is to find out what he knows about the Uchiha Coup and immediately wipe his memory before releasing him from the jutsu. He'll break out of the genjutsu with only memory of a white abyss and I'll tell him my genjutsu failed, thanking him for allowing me to try.

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