"I accidentally spilled juice on Tzuyu this morning and she gave me the deadliest stare ever," Nayeon informed, "I really thought I was going to die at that moment."

"Damn," Sana chuckled, "Dahyun came back home before I left in the same outfit. She hooked up with someone and she hasn't even been here for a full day yet."

"She's a wild one," Nayeon whistled, "The fact she got someone to fuck in less than twenty-four hours boggles my mind."

Sana giggled and nodded as she pulled out her notebook and pens before the lecturer came in to begin.

"You know, they always say opposites attract," Nayeon shrugged.

"I'm not going to mess with Kim Dahyun," Sana cringed, "Yeah she's hot and has a killer body but her personality is trash. She's so rude and cold and an utter bitch. I don't want to associate myself with someone like her."

"Maybe get to know the girl and maybe she'll open up to you."

"I tried getting to know her but she just pushes me away," Sana sighed, "Whatever. I don't need to get with someone right now. I want to graduate with a degree and I won't let anyone block me from doing so."

"A girl that knows what she wants. Impressive," Nayeon chuckled.

Sana shrugged with a sly smile before the lecturer came in to begin and that was Sana's cue to listen and Nayeon's cue to fall asleep.


When Sana got back to the apartment from her lecture and hanging with Nayeon for a bit, she saw something she shouldn't have seen. Something she wished she hadn't seen. Something she can no longer get out of her head.

It was a girl, the same girl she saw underneath Dahyun's arm yesterday, naked on the couch with her legs spread, lips parted and eyes closed. Dahyun was between the girl's legs eating her out. Sana dropped her bag and shrieked as she closed her eyes.

"Oh fuck," Dahyun muttered as she noticed Sana and quickly got off the girl. The girl grabbed her sweatshirt and covered herself as quickly as she can.

What the fuck?! It's only four o'clock in the afternoon. Who the hell has sex in the middle of the afternoon?!

"I.. I-" Sana couldn't form words correctly, "I-I'm sorry for barging in like t-this. I... I'll leave and you-" Sana cleared her throat, "You can continue... I'll be out of your h-hair."

She bent down and grabbed her bag before dashing out of the apartment leaving Dahyun and the girl alone in the apartment. She stopped in the middle of the hallway to pant and rub her eyes. She was extremely flustered and felt herself beginning to sweat.

"My god, Kim Dahyun, wha... w-what the actual hell," She said breathlessly as she leaned against the wall.

"Hey! W-Wait up!"

Sana turned around and saw her. The girl. She saw the girl back into her normal clothes as she exited the apartment and caught up with Sana.

"Look..." She panted, "I'm so so sorry that you had to, um, see Dahyun and I in action," The girl was clearly embarrassed.

"It's okay. I should've knocked before entering," Sana waved off.

"N-No... It's our fault. We did it in the middle of the living room and not in a bedroom where we have privacy. Please, don't take responsibility for something that clearly wasn't your fault."

Sana nervously chuckled, "Okay then. Apology accepted."

"Oh god, how rude of me. I didn't properly introduce myself," The girl cleared her throat and stuck her hand out, "Hi. My name is Mina."

Sana smiled and shook Mina's hand, "Hi, Mina. My name is Sana, nice to meet you."


"So, how do you know Dahyun?" Sana asked.

"I knew Dahyun since this summer. I kind of don't know what we are, really. I guess we're dating? I don't know. We didn't really confirm it."

"Hm, interesting," Sana said, "Well, I'll give you props for dealing with her. She basically pushes me away when I try to strike up a conversation."

"Ah, I get it," Mina sighed, "She's like that. She never really lets people in just like that. It takes time and I mean a lot of time. When Dahyun feels that she's ready or when she feels comfortable, she'll open up a bit more."

"I see," Sana exhaled, "Thanks, Mina."

"No problem. I was actually leaving right now so you can go back inside if you want."

"No, it'll be awkward with Dahyun. It's already awkward between us so I don't want more of it," Sana chuckled, "Do you perhaps want to hang for a bit? Maybe grab some coffee?"

Mina smiled, "I'd like that."

Sana smiled back as they walked side by side together, talking, and getting to know each other.



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bet you didn't expect the girl to be mina LOL mihyun ftw~

continue to support twice and make sure you pre order the album :))

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