chapter 16: Frustrations

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You and Papyrus go back to the house. You see Sans and Frisk sitting on the couch and go to the kitchen. You start making some tea. "Papyrus, Frisk, do either of you want tea?" You call behind you.
"WE BOTH ARE FINE." He said as he comes into the kitchen. "You promised to tell me what was going on." He said softly.
"Yeah but you can't freak out."
"Why does it sound like I won't like what I hear?"
"Cause you probably won't." He sighs and sits down. 
"Fine just tell me."
"I'm going to try to break the barrier tomorrow."
"Absorbing the souls myself. Alphys said theoretically it was possible. We already went to the king and got his approval."
"He didn't even try to. It went fine."
"I already promised him that I would. No going back on that unless you want him to hunt me down and kill me."
"I would gladly give up my soul to let you go free." You turn to see him upset and looking quite angry.
"You can't stop me" you walk over to him and suddenly Sans is between the two of you.
"Woah woah you two. Calm down."
"Don't tell me what to do you tiny perverted asshole." Sans looks hurt at this but you're too frustrated to care. Papyrus reaches around him and pulls you forward.
"You know I say it is. My mother would tell me it is too." You see a look you couldn't pinpoint on his face. You walk out of the kitchen towards the door again. 
"For a walk, I need to calm down." You don't bother with his or any jacket this time. You only had your scarf and the clothing you'd put on earlier on. Grumbling you walk towards the ruins. 
The further you walk the more the wind picks up but soon you're to Papyrus' station. You sigh and sit down brooding. The wind blows harder throwing snow all around. You shiver and put your head on your arms. You didn't want to go back yet so you ignore the chill of your body. Your vision was blurry from the snow, you start to get tired but as you start to pass out you see a flash of black and white.
The next thing you know there's people arguing. You were warm though. You felt like your head was on a boney lap and you had a heavy jacket on. The fur around the hood made you sigh and try to get closer to it. It kinda smelled like peppermint. You could also smell cinnamon and tomatoes but coming from further away. You sigh again and the argument stops.
"(Y/N), doll, wake up." Who was talking? You couldn't pinpoint the voice. It was familiar though. The smell of tomatoes was close now and another familiar voice starts talking. 
"Princess, please…. you need to wake up…." your soul flutters this voice and you try to say something but it comes out as an incoherent mumble.
"Doll, you have to wake up. You've been out for days." Days? Wasn't there something important you had to do? "Please get up." Wait, that was Sans talking. You're mad at the brothers. Why though? You mumble again and only one thing was able to be made out.
"Right here, gotta wake up though. Asgore is waitin' for ya to." Right the barrier. You try to open your eyes but they don't want to. Your body is so heavy.
".......can't……. Papyrus……" you mumble again. You need to apologize. Where is he? You feel a skeletal hand take yours.
"I'm right here princess…. can you please wake up?...." he sounded so….. so broken….. you try to open your eyes and manage to open them slightly before hissing slightly and closing them again. You hear him sigh and take your hands. 
"......sorry……" your force your eyes open completely and see both Sans and Papyrus. You smile at them slightly. That cinnamon smell was still around and it was so familiar too. Groaning you force yourself up and see-
"What is she doing here?!" You screech. Backing against the wall you look at the goat lady with pure terror. She was in your room. Why.
"Easy doll. She ain't gonna hurt ya. She saved ya."
"She tried to kill me!" You yell remembering your first encounter. She's the reason you were in such bad shape when you first met the brothers. 
"Asgore talked to her before you'd ran off. She was going to the Capital before seeing you passed out at my station." Papyrus said looking at her not in a trusting manner. "I saw you in her arms as she walked past. She refused to give you to me at first." You chuckle at how protective he was. You reach out and touch his cheek and talking softly.
"Relax my king, everything will be fine." You notice that the jacket on you was Sans' so you take it off and throw it at the older brother. It smacks him in the face and you laugh. 
In your laughter you manage to roll off the bed with a yelp. After a second you start laughing again. Sans roars with laughter and Papyrus chuckles. "Okay boys, out. I need to change." You say. Sans teleports out of the room but Papyrus doesn't move. He almost looks like a kicked puppy. You sighs and walk over before giving him a quick kiss on the teeth. "I'll be only a couple minutes. I'll come out right after, okay?" He sighs and nods before leaving Toriel follows and closes the door. You find the blue top that Papyrus had gotten you and a pair of thick warm pants. After you change you throw on a heavy sweater and go to the living room. Papyrus was looking out the window anxiously and you plop onto his lap. He looks at you and smiles.

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