chapter 6: Shopping

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Papyrus is waiting impatiently for you at the door. You slowly make your way over to him. He grabs you by the wrist and drags you along. You stumble trying to keep up with him on the slippery ground. You hear mumbles from the other monsters around. Papyrus snarled and growled at anyone who looked at him or you wrong. You stay close to his side seeing how the other monsters scared you. Soon you come to a shop and he drags you close to him. "STAY CLOSE." He said as he let's you go. You follow him closely as you look around. You see a beautiful black velvet dress and walk over to it. You hold your hand out and touch it smiling at the feel of the fabric. Suddenly there's a hand on your shoulder.
"Ya shouldn't be wanderin' alone kitten." You hear a familiar voice say.
"I'm not alone Sans. Papyrus brought me here." You say without looking at him.
"Don't see boss anywhere." You whirled around panicked. Sans was right. Papyrus was nowhere in sight.  Sans grins at you and you back up to the shelves. "Thought I said not ta get too close." He tells you with dead eye sockets.
"I'm not…. he didn't give me a choice….." you say as you look away. You hear him come close to you and then you're trapped. Suddenly he punches you repeatedly in the stomach and claws your face deeply. . 
"Stay away from my brother." With that he teleports away. You fall to the floor and hold your stomach, scooting behind a rack of clothing to stay hidden. After a while you hear heaven footsteps. You hear Papyrus muttering stuff but stay quiet and still. Sans' warning ringing in your mind. 
"She'd like that…." you hear him mumble. "I told her to stay close damn it…. anything could happen…." you want to go and see him but you stay where you are. You have you stay away. Suddenly the clothing is pushed away and Papyrus is looking right at you. You whimper and scoot cack more. He sighs and yanks you out of your hiding spot and throws you over his shoulder. You yelp and he stiffens before taking a dress and throwing it in a basket with many other pieces of clothing and going to the register. You try squirming out of his grasp but aren't able so you give up crossing your arms in the process. He leaves the store and takes you back to the house before putting you down on the couch. 
"Who knows…. Maybe it's both….." he makes a choaked sound and you look at him only to see a look of hurt on his face. You look away quickly not wanting to see that look anymore. Kneeling in front of you he turns your head so he can see the damage to your cheek. You flinch and try to pull away but he doesn't let you. Getting up he walks to the kitchen and comes back with a first aid kit. He sits next to you and opens it, taking out a few different things then starts to treat your wound. "I can do that myself…." you mumble. 
"WOULD YOU THOUGH?" at your lack of response he nods. "EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT."
As he continues to treat you you glare at the wall. The door opens and Sans comes in. Seeing Papyrus helping you he frowns before sitting next to you on the couch. You jump slightly and look at him fearfully. 
"Heya boss. 'Sup?"
"WHY DO YOU HELP ME WHEN I'M HURT?" Sans stays quiet as Papyrus puts the bandage on your cheek. You get up and start to your room. "(Y/N)!" You stop and turn your head slightly. "DON'T FORGET TO TAKE THE CLOTHING I GOT YOU AND PUT IT AWAY!" You nod before picking up the two bags and disappear into the room. You immediately start putting things away. Most of it was black, red and gray in a biker style. One thing stuck out though. A bright blue shirt. You stare at it for a moment before putting it in your drawer. You come across a pair of soft fleece pajamas and leave them out.
After getting everything put away you notice a small box in one of the bags. Inspecting it you see that it's a magical light source. You set it next to one of the geodes. You decide to get changed into the pajamas. You weren't facing away from the door and when you took your top off Papyrus opens the door. You freeze not sure what to do. He looks at you for a moment shocked before you pull the pajama top over your head. You hear a snarl come from Papyrus as he walks to you and you back up until you couldn't anymore.
"WHO?!" He bellowed and you flinch. You didn't understand what he meant though.
"W-who what?..." you said nervously. He walks over to you and pulls up your top. You squeal and try to pull it back down. 
"WHO DID THAT?!" you look down and see massive bruising where Sans had punched you. You hadn't noticed it before because of your ample chest. "DO NOT SAY YOU JUST RAN INTO SOMETHING. WE BOTH KNOW THAT IS A LIE."
You shake your head. No way were you going to tell him that his brother had threatened you. You'd rather die. He sighs and drags you to the bed. Pushing you down he starts poking and prodding at the bruises. You wince. "W-what are you d-doing?...." you ask.
"CHECKING FOR BROKEN BONES." You stare for a moment before chuckling.
"There aren't any."
"I've had them before. Multiple times. It's just some bruising." He frowns at your interruption but let it slide.
"You know you can tell me what happened." He says in a softer voice. 
"Nothing happened." You deadpanned. He shakes his head but gets up, turns on the magic light and leaves.
@Papyrus POV@
She's hiding something. Those bruises were too bad. She could have been seriously injured. Why is she protecting that monster? If I were here I'd say something so it wouldn't happen again. She's merciful though. I start pacing the living room. Sans looks concerned. 
"Paps-" he starts and I snarl at him. "B-boss….. what's wrong?" He asks sweating. 
"SOMEONE. HURT. HER. SHE'S. MINE!" I growl back at him.
"You really think it's worth it?" He asks lazily. My head snaps towards him. "I mean it's so damn annoying." I growl, warning him to choose his next words closely. He sweats more. Before walking over towards me. "She's weak. Her soul isn't suited to life down here. It could easily break with too much trauma."
"She's making you weak bro." At that I start to see red. Me? Weak? Before I realize what I was doing my first is flying towards my brother. Suddenly though (Y/N) has pushed him back and takes the punch right in her hurt shoulder there's a sickening crack and snap. She gasps and stumbles back holding it. Me and Sans are both speechless. 
"You two are family…. you shouldn't be fighting…." she says. Suddenly she passes out, presumably because of the pain. Sans is the first to react, walking over to see how badly she's hurt. 
"She'll be okay, just a broken shoulder and collarbone…" he mutters. I broke her shoulder and collarbone. Turning away I walk towards the door. "Paps." I stop but don't correct him or turn to him. "This isn't your fault."
I go out the door before he can say anything else.
I hurt her. This is my fault. Why cant I hold my fucking temper?! Going deep into Snowdin forest. Releasing all my feelings I send out as many attacks as I could. Damaging as many things as possible. After a while I start to get tired and sit down. After a moment I get back up and start the walk home.

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