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The door opened and teruko was surprised. " DAI-KUN! THERES A PRESENT HERE!!!" she screamed with joy. aomine groaned and stood up from his seat and went near her while resting his chin at the back of her crook "from who is it?" he said in his lazy voice. She picked it up and took the gifts inside.

Next she went to murasakibara's hotel, since it isnt that far. (they lived there for the holiday for a while XD) The murasakibara family and the mieko family celebrated their christmas at their house. "mieko-chin!~ wheres my snacks?~" Mieko eyes widened of shock that she had forgotten to buy his favorite snack. "im so sorry atsushi" she had teary eyed while pouting slightly. "iyaa~ its fine~" he said in his lazy voice and hugged her. "all i want for christmas was you anyway mieko-chin~" she blushed.

Egao knocked on the door and mieko answered, to her surprise egao grinned while giving a present to her. " shouldnt you be going down the chimney than knocking here mrs. santa" she pouted. "well i got tired of giving presents to everyone =w=". "btw nee.... inside the box has two things so please give the candy to mukun~" she smiled happily while patting her head. mieko bowed "thank you for the present!" she smiled. "jaa!~" egao waved and left. "atsushi! you snacks arrived!"

Next she went to kagami's house, hearing by the door there was like a huge party there. She just left the present at the floor and ringed and left it to him. katsumi was there and she answered the door. "KAGA-KUN!!"

kagami twitched. "WHAT!?!" .. "we have presents" katsumi smiled at him calmly and he nearly fainted due to the shout ear,ier that he thought there was something wrong. "kaga-kun?" she sain innocently looking down at him while bring the presents in.

Egao who was constantly walking down the streets, she threw the bag at the trash can and panted slightly, she sat on the bench for a while. Her warm breath smoked at the cold air, looking up at the skies it was very black, stars were as shiny as diamond that made the dark skies light up.

While observing the people around her, there was really alot of spirit of togetherness, unity, joy & happiness, love. Suddenly a kid was crying, "waahh!! mama!!... dada!!" egao went near him she kneeled and patted his back. "whats wrong?" the kid suddenly hugged her "im.. lost!" the kid said between his hicks.

"stop crying okay? i'll bring you home" she smiled to reassure him, he suddenly stopped crying and only had teary eyes, she wiped it away. She removed her santa claus hat and her orange locks flew lovely at the night, she made him wear it, she held his hand and walked beside him "it's christmas okay? its not the time to cry" he nodded.

As they walked all over the streets searching for his parents, asking everyone they meet. Suddenly the boy looked up at her "ano... i never get a chance to know who you are.." he mumbled. she smiled at him "im egao" his eyes widened in surprise, "no wonder you smile alot" he said happily. " what's your name then?" she asked "leo.." he said. "i see"

"nee.. egao-nee your parents might get mad at you its getting late." leo said. "no it's fine..." she said with a sad tone. "egao-nee?..." he said looking up at her with a saddened eyes. "egao-nee... why are you sad?" he asked. "ah.. no reason" she faked a smile at him. "egao-nee... you feel like crying.."

How come a boy can know her feeling already?.. egao was shoked "how did you know?.." she asked. "your eyes, they tell everything" he said as he pointed at her eyes. "ah.. i see.. well.. since you know i cant hold back anymore.." she said slightly getting teary eyed. "'s christmas remember?... you said it's not the time to cry." he said hugging her arm. "i know.. it's just that... i miss my family" she said and hugged the boy without thinking.

Everything has changed (akashi x oc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz