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1 year later 

Golden sunlight filtered through the clouds, falling gently against Jisung's face as he breathed in the morning air. He had never been much of a morning person, preferring the quiet and solitude of the night. Enjoying how fast the hours went by while he slept. But these days he found himself rising with the sun. Perhaps he had finally found something, or someone, to look forward to each morning.

"Your coffee." Jisung turned to see his boyfriend, Minho. "Anything else I can get you?" Minho teased, before wrapping his arms around Jisung, resting his head against the others. They rocked gently back and forth, listening to the quiet chirping of birds, enjoying the soft morning breeze on their skin. Jisung closed his eyes. With Minho, he felt happy. Hopeful. 

He couldn't help but think about how much his life had changed since first meeting Minho. He was living in a skyrise apartment with his best friend and boyfriend. He had a promising career ahead of him. He no longer hid in the comfort of the dark. Instead, his confidence lit up every room he was in. He felt like a completely different person. 

All it took was one brave choice, one night, one person. 

Changbin, Chan, and Jisung ended up recording together as a new group, 3RACHA. Although Jisung had to put up with the other two relentlessly flirting during practice, he loved the music they made. They were a perfect trio. And Minho the best supporter in the world.

"Hey," Jisung whispered. "I love you. So much." Minho lifted his head off Jisung's shoulder.

"More than France?" Minho asked.

"Yes, more than France."

"More than your music?" He asked again. Jisung pulled away so he could look Minho in the eye, and rested both hands on Minho's shoulders. 'God, he really is beautiful', he thought. 

He smiled lovingly.

"More than anything in this world."

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