Chapter 9: A.E.R.G.C.=GRACE

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All I knew as I danced was that this guy was meant to help my plan by hiding me not making everyone stair.

Okay now I have a few choices:

I could stomp on his foot to escape but cause a big scene

I could continue dancing and hope people look away before...

Too late. They saw me... let's just say I had to explain a lot of things that I didn't even know the answer to myself... perfect.

My stomach chose that moment to tell me that I was going to be seeing my lunch fairly soon.

I looked up at the guy I was dancing with to find a fairly similar face smirking down at me.

"I need to... " I started and turned around to bolt for the bathroom but he pulled me back to his chest by wrapping his arms around my waist. "Hey let go." I demanded but he didn't seem effected.

"Now why would I do that?" he asked and I began to think the guy had mental issues.

"Because if you don't you will be seeing the inside of my stomach down your shirt pretty soon." I explained and he let go of my waist and I ran in the direction of the toilets.

What went on in that toilet was ugly and probably not the most glamorous thing that anybody had ever done!

I kneeled up only to realise my hair hadn't fallen in my face and turned around to see Angela behind me holding my hair up.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." She said as I stood up and went over to the sink, after flushing the toilet, so that I could wash out my mouth.

"Yeah, I honestly don't know the answers to over half your questions." I told her then got some water in my mouth, swirled it around and spat it out. I did that repeatedly until I thought my mouth was as clean as it was going to get.

"Okay answer as many questions as you can because I won't ask you twice and I really need to know the answers." She told me and I shrugged sliding down the wall.

"Shoot." I mumbled and she nodded her head to symbolise that she could begin.

"Okay, question 1: Why did Jayce call off all the guards from searching for 'Grace' when he danced with you?" she asked and I scrunched my eyebrows up.

"He was Jayce?" I asked and she nodded. "He seemed familiar." I shrugged and got back to the question. "Uh, um... is Jayce really close or does he really hate the vampire prince?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Why is this relevant to the..." she began but I cut her off.

"It just is so answer the damn question if you want the best answer I can come up with that I think could be true!" I demanded and she sighed.

"He really hates him... now tell me why I needed to answer." She told me and I groaned.

"Because I'm the Princes mate and I would assume he is either going to kill me or kidnap me... great." As I finished my sentence Angela began to back away. "I, Alexia Elizabeth Rhea Georgia Cassidy, am screwed!" I grumbled figuring that if I use my name it will give me good fortune like my grandmother said it would, but then again she was always crazy.

After I finished talking Angela stopped backing away and froze with a look of concentration on her face. "Say your name again." She said and I sighed.

"Alexia Eliza..." I started in a confused tone but Angela cut me off.

"Sorry, no I meant your initials." She sighed and I groaned

"A. E. R. G. C." I told her and realisation wiped over her head.

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