Chapter 4: Silver blades

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I woke up in a huge bed with only a dress on and no underwear. I honestly didn't know who changed me and didn't want to know.

My hand shot up to my neck as I felt around for a mark but, luckily, came up empty handed.

I pulled my body upwards only to see the prince sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me to wake.

"You have a unhealthy obsession with needles." I told him and shook my head at the thought. He just smirked as though he knew something I didn't, though he was apparently 500 so he probably knew a lot more than me.

"Here." he muttered placing a bag in my hands and standing up from the bed that looked like double a queen size. "Marina chose the outfits, she will be your made from now on." He said with a little smirk tugging at one corner of his lips. "Though she didn't change your clothes." He muttered with a wide grin. "I got that pleasure."

After hearing those words I knew I had been right, I really didn't want to know who changed me.

I quickly grabbed the closest thing to my hand possible, which turned out to be a pillow, and through it at him. He obviously knew it was coming, even with his back turned at the time, because he caught it, chuckled then turned around to face me.

"Now why would you do that?" he asked making a ticking sound with his tongue as he glided towards me. I held my ground but knew I wouldn't be able to fight against him in the state I was in but I guess a month asleep then another week asleep really takes it out of you.

"Because you got me changed." I was so grateful at that moment that I didn't flush at the thought of him getting me changed but it was embracing.

"Oh but I love your body, little mate." He muttered at he got closer. I instinctively crossed my arms across my chest but instantly regretted it when my breasts spilled over my arms but luckily not out of the silky material of the dress.

"Yeah well you can't have it." I sneered uncrossing my arms and placing them down on the bed.

He just shrugged at my reaction and smiled. "I'll be back later; Marina will be here later with some food." He told me then got up and left. Bipolar much?

I quickly got up and made a b-line straight to the door but just as I was about to open it I heard the soft click of the door being locked and the dragging sound of the key being taken out.

I slowly walked back over to the bed to change my clothes into something more appropriate.

I searched through and found a black tank top, black jogging bottoms, underwear and, surprisingly, some trainers. It was not what I usually wore because it was designer outfits, the kind I used to make at Felix's factory. I sighed and sank down to the floor at the thought of Felix; I got out of that problem only to find myself in a very different yet much worse situation.

After I pulled my body up I decided to explore the huge room. There was a door next to the bed which I found out was a walk in closet that was hand activated, so you had to place your hand on the scanner to open the draws. It was probably triple the size of my bedroom at my mum's house and everyone used to be jealous of how big my room was compared to them.

The door next to it was a bathroom; the sink was decorated in golden leaf, the bath was huge, the size of a swimming pool, the shower was built for two which didn't set well in my stomach and the toilet was more like a throne! Ridicules!

There was a third door that wasn't the one that led to the hallway, which was locked. It turned out to be a personal games room. There was a TV with all the games you could think of connected up to it; x-box 195-626-812, play station 105, Wii pad-touch, everything and anything. Scattered around the room I saw an old fashioned pool table from the 21st century, which could be worth good money, a virtual Nintendo even a mini holographic cinema!

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