Chapter 2: Selection

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When I woke up the next morning the house was quiet and the light from the blazing sun that was burning in the havens left a trail of light in its wake as the curtains to my room were slightly agar.

I grumbled then looked at the battered clock on my bed side table and found out that it was 10:35 in the morning. I had 1:25 until I had to be at the town hall for selection in which Bonnie and Callie, the prettiest girls, will get selected to be the compounds tribute to both the royal families.

I grabbed my iPhone 38c, it was a very old phone but the only one I had, and brought up the number of my boyfriend, Jack. He was the hottest human in the compound as the bimbo had said yesterday.

"Hey." He mumbled though the phone. "You're lucky." He told me. "Since all the vampires that run my work place will be guards at the ceremony, I get the day off." He said with an obvious grin in his voice. "Just don't get picked." He told me, his voice was sincere.

"I won't." I laughed at his stupidity. "Callie and Bonnie are most likely to get it." I said, trying to convince him.

"I doubt that." He said, his voice was grim and upset. "You were voted at the most likely to be picked by everyone in my work quadrant." he sighed. "And then it was my younger sister." He admitted.

"Oh." I sighed. "I doubt they'll pick me anyway." I admitted. "I haven't got that good a track record." I smiled remembering last year's riot; I had stolen eight grenades, three pistols (which I filled with sharpened chunks of wood with mettle at the base so they wouldn't break when I shot the gun.) and 6 Tasers. Long story short, I killed 24 vampires, 16 werewolves bringing it to a total of 40 beasts. I only survived because I was under age, but I still got 2,000 whips with a cat o' nine tails (nasty!!!) I can still feel the sting sometimes! I've got the scars to prove it. Obviously at the time one of the perverted vampires suggested he change me to "remove the scars" which it would have done, but I bet that's not all he would have done if he could control me.

"True." Jack laughed down the phone. "That's why you're my girlfriend." He laughed. "You're not drawn to vampires like other girls but you're drawn to danger like a vampire to blood, ridicules!"

"And you're talking?" I asked half series and half-jokingly. "Your worse than me!" I exclaimed.

"I know." He smirked then sighed. "Just... come back alive." He sighed then hung up leaving me alone.

I sighed, I was going to be there till the next day but I wasn't sure if I'd last the day without Felix claiming me. I didn't won't to scare them so it was a good idea to wait until after the selection to break it to my family and friends.

I chose that moment to drag my body from beneath the rags of my bed and into a sitting position to call my best friend, Jessica.

"Hey Jessi." I smiled when she picked up.

"My brother told me who was voted most likely to be selected, do you believe it?" she asked me. Yes she was Jack's little sister and she was only just 16 years old.

"Nah," I admitted down the phone. "It'll probably be Bonnie and Callie." I told her and she sighed.

"Yeah I guess, plus what king would want someone with our history?" she asked as she laughed.

"True." I said with a small laugh. If the vampires didn't insist that we have unlimited time on our phones a month if were in with the chance of being selected I wouldn't still be talking to Jessica.

"Ally?" she asked using my old nick name.

"Yes Jessi?" I asked using her nick name.

"What if we do get picked?" she asked me.

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