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It was a nicer sort of lie;

The ones that taste sweet to the tongue.

What we had,

It was the lovely sort of lie.

Your kiss felt like heaven,

But sucked the life out of me.

What we had,

It was a harmless little lie;

The kind you tell to strangers in-between sips of tea.

What we had,

It was a toxic sort of love;

The kind you taste and get addicted to.

What we had,

It the terribly forced kind of love;

For you never wanted more

Than to taste the things I spoke

So clearly in your ear.

What we had,

If a was an awful sort of lie;

The ones that hurt to touch.

Your fingers like blades against my neck,

Suffocating all those words I left unsaid.

What we had,

What a terribly executed lie it was.

We both knew the truth,

But refused to admit it,

For the lies taste so much sweeter,

Mixed with champagne and kisses.

What we had,

Such a sad excuse for love.

But by-far the most distasteful part,

Was how we forgot the difference between love and lust.

What we had,

So far from innocence we fell.

Bright red lips tell better lies,

Than the ones you try to sell.

What we had,

No uglier truth,

Than the way you left your eyes open that first kiss.

For you hands felt cold against my heart, but hot against my skin.

The way you kiss,

I lost myself,

Addicted to a drug,

That rehab couldn’t save me from.

I’ll curse his name a hundred times,

To feel that kiss again.

But oh how sad that we came to end,

What a bitter lie that was.

Source : unknown

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