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Yejin POV

My eyes roamed around the Arcadaz looking for Seok Jin. Then I spotted him, sitting on a stool around by a high round table on the corner of the room. He was starring at the city night view from the window by the table.

"Excuse me, Sir, do you happen to know a gorgeous guy passing around here? I have been looking for him everywhere but he is nowhere to be find. I believe he is waiting for me."

"Hmmm forget about him miss, I'm sure your guy isn't as hot as I am."

"Such a narcissist!" I playfully hit his arm.

"Hello, Jin Ah," he greeted me with his husky voice.

"Seok Jin," I nodded and smiled at him.

He looked just fine today, even more, handsome than what I have remembered. He wears a black coat with a plain grey Tshirt underneath, a pair of navy jeans, and a pair of white sneakers shoes.

How old was this guy? sneakers shoes looked just fine with him. And boy, he smelled good.

"How was your day, Seok Jin?"

"I was taking care of my plan to expand my business here. Unfortunately, there were some minor things that required more time to be settled. But it's a fortune if that means I got to see you again." He handed me a glass of wine and winked to me.

Look at him, already being cheesy on his first words but that's what I wanted to hear.

"Oh really? You're a businessman."
"Yes, I owned an F&B company back in Seoul. What about you?"
"I ran a small coffee stall here. I don't usually get busy but this morning something came up and I got to take care of it."
"Hmm, a coffee stall?"
"Yeah, a small coffee stall."

Lieblich was not a small stall, of course.

"I intended to meet potential business partners here but one of them couldn't make it so we have to reschedule. Enough about my boring day, what about you Jin Ah?"

"Hmm...what do you want to know?"

"Are you single?"

"Of course! I have just ended a complicated relationship, but yes I am single. How about you? Do you have a wife waiting back in Seoul?"

"I'm looking for one, actually. My only sibling has just got married and my parents can't stop talking about me shall get a wife soon. I am happy with my goldfish back to my apartment."

"You live, with a goldfish?"

"Yeah. A couple of goldfish. I like them, they are practical, never complaining, never get jealous, and good listeners."

I laughed imagining him talking with goldfish.
"You're hilarious!"

"Your life seems comfortable, Seok Jin. I live together with my brother. He is still in college, but we got each other backs. I still struggled to pay our bills and his tuition fee though. The coffee stalls can only pay routine expenses. Do you have any suggestions for me?"

"Easy. Just stay with me babe, I'm loaded."

"Oh God, you're such a brag! Seriously."

"Hahaha okay okay. I think you should partner up with similar local businesses. Why don't you approach local cakery and ask them to cross-sell your product, for example? Or you can rearrange your menu. Lessen your variance, and only provide a few variances with similar ingredients. The difference among your coffee is the way to mix it or the additional flavor. This trick can save your inventory and avoid excess ingredients."

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