"Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains. Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. Now, for Japan, what has taken the place of Olympics is the UA sports festival."

Hearing what her friends are saying, Sakura figured out that the sports festival are for scouting purpose. It's like a battle to get the pro heroes attention.

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!"


Lunch time

"Sakura-chan! Let's go to the cafeteria together!" Uraraka said excitedly, tugging the pinkette's sleeve. Sakura gave her an apologetic smile "Ahh, gomen... There's something I need to do" frowning at her reply, Uraraka pouted slightly "But Midoriya and Iida will be there too... I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable". Sakura widened her eyes, waving her hands in front of her, she chuckled nervously "N-no it's not like that! I just want some alone time.." the brown haired girl nodded, giving her a worried look as she watched Sakura walked away.


Climbing up a tree, Sakura let her body lean on the tree.

'Inner...what should I do?'
'About the sports festival?'

She was met with silence for a few minutes before Inner replied.

'I don't know Saku'

Sakura could hear her inner groaning in frustration.

'If only this is the shinobi world, it would have been easier.'

Staring at the clouds, Sakura remembered the feeling of her body going numb.

'When will my body be at full condition?'
'You will know when it's time. Right now, the process is going on pretty smoothly.'
'I would say it takes a few months. But knowing you, maybe we will recover faster than that.'

Sakura continued her cloud gazing, starting to understood why a certain Nara love doing it. Hearing the bell ringing, signalling it's time for class, she jumped down on the ground and started to walked back towards her class.


On the last period, Sakura felt like skipping so she excused herself to the bathroom during the middle of the class. Instead of going to the bathroom, she climbed up the previous tree. Shuffling around to find a comfortable position, she closed her eyes to take a nap.


Stretching her body, she lets out a satisfied moan feeling the popping bones of her back. Letting herself fell from the tree, Sakura twisted her body midair and landed on the ground with ease.

The sound of bell ringing cause Sakura's face to lights up "Ahh it's just the time to get home" she began to skip towards her class.

Closing her eyes as she did, her mind were filled with the bed at home waiting for her to lay down. But her thoughts were soon interrupted as she bumped into someone, "Ahh gome-what the hell?!" Looking up, she saw a crowd of students standing outside of class 1-A.

"Excuse me..." She said as she walked through the crowd. After she successfully pushed through the crowd to get in, she lets out a breath. "Sacchan?" Looking up, Sakura saw Izuku rushing towards her. "Izu-kun...why are they crowding up like that?" said boy shrugged his shoulders.

Walking to get her bag, she realised Shoto was still seated, "Sho-kun" hearing his name being called out, Shoto tore his gaze away from the window and looked at the girl. "Aren't you going home?" Sakura asked, picking up her bag in the same time. Looking at the door, Shoto nodded his head "Just waiting for the crowd to go away" he said as he pointed his finger to Bakugou who's basically yelling at the crowd.

Sakura stared at the commotions happening in front, not wanting to be involved. She watched as Bakugou yelled at the crowd, calling them extras and telling them to move aside.

"I came to see what the famous Class A was like. But you seem pretty arrogant. Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned" a voice came from the crowd, Sakura looked at the door to see a purple haired guy standing in front of Bakugou.

"There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't made it into the hero course. Did you know that?" Walking closer to get a good look, Sakura saw the guy staring down at Bakugou.

The guy continued "The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out."

Snickering, he looked around the class "Scouting the enemy, you say? I came to say that if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you--
I came with a declaration of war."

Hearing this, a smirk crept up Sakura's face "Sodesu ka...". All attentions turned to the girl who's walking slowly towards the door. Raising her head, Sakura looked straight into his eyes, giving him a smile, "I'm sorry for my friend's behavior. Not all of us are arrogant like him-

A voice came cutting her off "What did you say Cherrybitch?!"

Ignoring the blonde haired guy, she continued, "I'm happy to hear that the school gave such big opportunity for all of you". Chuckling sweetly, immediately enchanting most of the male students, she grabbed the purple haired boy's hands into her own, making said boy flinched in surprise "Representing the class, I wish all of you good luck. Cause we, Class 1-A will gladly accept your declaration of war" with that being said, she lets go of his hands and started to walked out from the class, the crowd opening a path as she did.

'Kill them with kindness huh?'

Sakura snickered internally, "This is gonna be fun".

So desu ka➜I see

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