👶🏻 Twenty: Someone You Loved 👶🏻

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Note: This was a prompt I found on Tumblr so ye, just wanted to mention it. Okay, you can proceed to the one-shot now!

You heard the front door closed shut and soft footsteps, signaling your husband's return. Your clenched fists tightened even more as the footsteps grew louder as Dazai approached your shard bedroom. The noise stopped abruptly and silence filled the air for a few brief moments.

"(Y/ N)?" Dazai's voice spoke up, causing you to look up at your brown-haired husband who was standing in the doorway of the bedroom with brows raised in surprise. "What are you doing up so late, sweetheart? I thought you would've gone to bed by n-"

"Where were you?" you interrupted him before he could even finish, your tone harsh and devoid of any of its usual sweetness.

Dazai blinked his eyes. "What do you mean? I was at the agency, sweetheart, work dragged-"

"I called Atsushi and he told me that you left the agency four hours ago," you glared at him with glassy eyes. "And he saw you go straight down to the café below."

Dazai was quiet for a few seconds, his lips had fallen into a thin, hard line as he stared at you with eyes filled with nothing but obvious guilt.

"(Y/ N)-"

"You went to see that damned waitress, didn't you?!" you suddenly lashed out at him, your voice loud and thick with the mess of emotions that you felt inside. "You've been cheating on me, haven't you?"

Your husband opened his mouth as though he was going to reply, but his lips fell shut again as his gaze fell onto the floor beneath him. He probably wished that the ground would just open up and swallow him whole at that moment.

Well, that made both of you, because the indescribable pain, disappointment, and rage that you felt then was making you go crazy and you were so tempted to just rip your heart out from your chest.

"I'm sorry, (Y/ N)..." Dazai trailed off, his voice low. "I didn't mean-"

That was it.

"I'm done, Osamu." you spat at him.

Grabbing the bag that you had already packed earlier that night with a week's worth of clothes, you headed past your guilty husband and out of the bedroom. However, before you could even take more than three steps into the living room, you felt a strong grasp and tug on your arm.

You jerked your head around to find Dazai grabbing you arm tightly and staring at you with a pained look in his normally cheerful chocolate eyes. It took nearly all of your willpower to refrain yourself from dropping the bag in your free hand and pulling the brown-haired male into your arms.

"(Y/ N)," he breathed, his bottom lip quivering slightly. "Please don't do this. Please don't leave me. I love you."

The lump in your throat only grew thicker and your vision blurred even more at his words. "No, Osamu, if you loved me, if you loved our son, you wouldn't have done this. You wouldn't have been so selfish to have lied and hurt me to this extent... And you wouldn't have torn this family apart!"

With great force, you tore your arm free from his grip. You took in a deep breath, attempting to regain some sense of composure while the tears trailed down your face. Looking one last time into the familiar brown eyes of your husband whom you had loved dearly and sacrificed so much for, you whispered the last words that you would ever say to him.

"Please do me one last favor, and go ruin yourself while I watch in adoration and fall apart as well."

Parental Struggles ~Daddy!Dazai Osamu X Mommy!Reader~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz