👶🏻 Seventeen: Nightmares and Cuddles 👶🏻

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You watched as droplets of rain stained your view of the peaceful midnight streets through your bedroom window. Unconsciously, you gently placed your hand against it, feeling the coolness of the glass against your warm palm. Closing your eyes, you breathed out a content sigh at the tranquility of the current atmosphere.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" your husband's voice spoke up from behind you and you turned around to find him sitting expectantly on the edge of your shared bed. "It's already past midnight, we should be getting to bed."

"I just decided to admire the view, Osamu, it's not every time you get the chance to witness the beauty of empty midnight streets under the moonlight." you smiled, tilting your head slightly to the side as you looked at your husband.

Dazai's lips curled up into a soft smile and he rested his chin down on the palm of his right arm that was propped on top of his knee. "That's because I'd much rather admire the sight of my beautiful wife under the moonlight instead."

Shaking your head and chuckling, you walked over to your husband and tried to playfully punch him on the arm. "Good to see you're as shameless of a flirt as always."

"Only when it comes to you, sweetheart." Dazai smiled sweetly as he blocked your hit punch with his hands. "But seriously, we should go to bed, (Y/ N). You wouldn't want to look hideous tomorrow just because you lost a few hours of beauty sleep, would you?"

You rolled your eyes at him, the wide grin never leaving your face. "Fine then, let's sleep."

Placing your legs on either side of your tousled-haired husband, you grabbed his broad shoulders and pushed him down against the mattress. Dazai's chocolate brown eyes widened slightly but the surprise was soon replaced by mirth as a smirk played on your husband's lips as he stared up into your eyes.

"I find this to be quite a peculiar sleeping position for you, (Y/ N)," he smirked, his tone low and playful. "Trying out something new?"

"Guess you can say something like that." you grinned, leaning down to give a sweet peck on his lips before pushing yourself off of your husband and laid yourself against the pillows.

Dazai chuckled and moved to his side of the bed. Once both of you were comfortable, he grabbed the duvet and pulled it over the two of you. Sliding his arms around your waist, he pulled your body closer to his and placed a butterfly kiss on the back of your neck. You released a satisfied sigh and finally allowed your tired eyes to fall shut.

However, it didn't take long for your eyes to snap open when you suddenly heard the door to your bedroom creak. Both of you quickly sat up and found that the door was cracked wide open and your son, Shuuji, was standing in the doorway with teary eyes.

"M-mommy... da-daddy..." the little boy sniffled.

"Oh no, what's wrong, baby?" you spread your arms open as your crying son quickly ran towards the two of you.

Catching the little boy in your arms, you pulled him into a tight hug. Shuuji cried into your chest, soaking your shirt in tears.

"Did you have a bad dream?" your husband asked softly as he gently rubbed your son's head.

Shuuji pulled away from your chest and nodded at his father. "Y-yes."

"Well, don't worry, mommy and daddy are here now, so you're safe, Shuuji." Dazai reassured, still rubbing his head. "You don't have to be scared anymore, okay?"

Your son sniffled and gave another nod.

"Now that's a good boy." Dazai murmured, kissing the top of Shuuji's head.

You couldn't help but smile at the scene. Despite how loud, lazy, and irrational your husband could sometimes be, there wasn't a doubt in your mind that he was a brilliant father who truly loved his son. At times like these, it made you fall in love with him all the more.

"You want to sleep us, Shuuji?" you asked your son who replied with a vigorous nod.

With a smile, you shifted slightly to the side, making room for your son to sleep between you and your husband. When the little boy was in a comfortable position, you wrapped your arms over his small body and Dazai wrapped his arms over both of you.

The three of you slept peacefully for the rest of that night.

No more tears from scary nightmares.

Just the reassuring warmth of loving cuddles.

Parental Struggles ~Daddy!Dazai Osamu X Mommy!Reader~Where stories live. Discover now