👶🏻 Five: Unexpected Visitor 👶🏻

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Dazai was home alone with Shuuji, taking care of his 20-month-old son while (Y/ N) was at work, when the doorbell rang. The suicidal brunet's dark brown eyes instantly lit up, thinking that his wife had finally returned and they could perhaps have some alone time later on...

However, before he could get up from the floor of Shuuji's room where he was seated while they played with blocks, his exuberant son had already jumped onto his tiny feet and raced out into the living room.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" the little son exclaimed as he ran to the door, but no matter how hard he tried, he simply couldn't reach the doorknob with his small stature. This resulted in him letting out cries and wails of defeat and anger.

"Oh my, my," Dazai said as he made his way to his son who was sulking next to the front door. "You shouldn't cry over such little things, Shuuji, if you do that then you'll never be able to grow up!"

"Eh?! I-I can't g-grow big?" the little boy looked up at his father who towered over him like a skyscraper with big, sad eyes.

"Not if you keep crying," the suicide maniac replied and knelt down to pull his son into his bandaged arms. "So stop crying and smile, alright?"

Shuuji sniffled but nodded, making Dazai smile.

"That's my boy," he smiled with chocolate eyes filled with affection. "Now, let's greet mommy!"

"Yay! Mommy! Mommy!" his son clapped his tiny hands excitedly as though it was Christmas morning.

The brunet detective let out a chuckle and reached a hand out to open the door.

"Welcome home, my lovely wife-" he began but the words trailed off when he saw who the person standing outside was.

Standing outside his front door was not his beautiful wife, but someone whom he resented deeply. Someone whom he would gladly kill. Someone whom he would never want to commit double suicide with. Dazai's face twisted into a grimace at the sight of Nakahara Chuuya standing before him.

"Har?! I'm not your damn wife, you idiot bastard!" the redhead wasted no time screaming at the brunet right upon seeing him.

"Clearly," Dazai said in a disgusted tone. "She's a billion times more attractive than you'll ever be."

"HAR?!" Chuuya raged, a vein popping above his brow.

"Plus she doesn't wear stupid, ugly hats." the detective added nonchalantly.

"WHY YOU-" the redhead raised a fist, ready to throw a hard punch at him when Dazai suddenly held up a hand.

"How can you still be so violent with a child around, Chuuya? Really, you have no common sense!" the brunet said with a disdainful huff.

His words seemed to have brought Chuuya's attention onto Shuuji as he stared at the little boy in the bandaged detective's arms. He cocked his head and let out a scornful huff, his black hat sliding slightly from the vague movement.

"Great, now there's two of you," the redhead said sarcastically. "As if the existence of one suicidal idiot wasn't enough, you decided to go and make another."

"That's enough, Chuuya, I don't have time for this." Dazai said with a solemn expression. "Now tell me what compelled you to go through all the trouble to bother me this late at night?"

Chuuya had an irritated scowl plastered on his face as he scratched the back of his head, letting out low groans as though it physically pained him to answer his question... and maybe it truly did.

"The boss sent me here to... to persuade you back into joining the Port Mafia, you stupid ass!" the exasperated redhead groaned out at last, shooting the brunet a deadly glare.

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