👶🏻 Four: Rival - P.t 2 👶🏻

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Note: Thanks to Boston who helped come up with the idea for this chapter!

"I'm home!" Dazai called out as he swung open the front door.

Immediately upon hearing his return, (Y/ N) rushed into the living room to greet her husband after a long day of work at the agency.

"Welcome home, Osamu," she gave him a peck on the lips despite carrying Shuuji in her arms. "How was work?"

"Tired as always, love, but we don't have time for that! We need to go right now or we'll be late!" the brunet detective said as he threw his suitcase haphazardly onto the couch.

(Y/ N)'s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Late? For what?"

"Why, for our date of course!" he flashed her a grin. "Now give me Shuuji so you can go up and get ready."

"Wait! What?" she stared at her beaming husband with wide eyes. "B-but we can't go out! What are we going to do with Shuuji? We can't just leave him alone-"

Before she could finish, Dazai had already taken their son from her arms and was holding him in his. "No worries, my love, I've already gotten that figured out and called for a babysitter."

"But..." his wife trailed off, still feeling uncertain.

"No 'but's, now go and make yourself pretty, I'm taking you somewhere special tonight." the suicidal detective smiled, his dark chocolate eyes gleaming with anticipation.

(Y/ N) thought for a few seconds before finally giving in to his whims and sighed. "Alright then, give me a few minutes."

Dazai gave her a boyish grin, one that he only made when he was extremely excited and one that made him look so young and endearing, which she returned with a gentle smile. With that, she headed upstairs, leaving the brunet alone with their son wiggling in his arms.

Once his wife was out of sight, Dazai looked down at the little boy who was staring at him with big brown eyes similar to his own. The two gazed at each other for several moments, Dazai remained unblinking while Shuuji kept blinking as though something was in his eye. It wasn't until a few minutes had passed did one of them finally broke the awkward silence that had fallen upon the room.

"Dad... dy!" Shuuji exclaimed and hugged his father with a wide smile plastered on his slightly chubby face.

Instead of feeling a sense of fatherly pride, Dazai only shot his son a glare. "Oh don't try to act all adorable and innocent now, I know what you're up to and it's not going to work!"

Shuuji blinked, his smile unfaltering. "Daddy!"

The detective gulped, his intimidating façade wavering slightly by his son's irresistible cuteness. "N-no! I'm not going to fall for that! You've been hogging Mommy this whole week and Daddy doesn't even get any love anymore!"

His spitting image of a son only continued to stare up at his father before tightening his tiny arms on his father's chest. "Daddy! ...I love... Daddy!"

At that, Dazai felt his heart being struck by an invisible arrow of adorableness and gone was all his self-control. Without warning, he pulled Shuuji into a bear hug and rubbed cheeks with the little boy.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Shuuji! You're so cute! Oh my, you really are my son!" the brunet gushed as he cuddled his son who was giggling and enjoying the attention.

It was at that moment when he heard footsteps on the stairs and he glanced up to find his wife in the simple yet gorgeous black dress that he'd gotten for her for Valentine's Day and looking absolutely breathtaking. His heart nearly stopped at the sight of her and a huge grin instantly broke out across his face.

"You look beautiful!" he beamed as (Y/ N) walked down the stairs.

"Thank you, Osamu." she mumbled, a light blush dusted across her cheeks. "And when is this babysitter that you told me about going to come?"

Dazai smirked. "Oh, he should be here any second now-"

"DAZAI! I CAME HERE AS FAST AS I COULD! WHAT'S THE EMERGENCY?! WHAT HAPPENED TO (Y/ N)-SAN?!" Kunikida suddenly burst through the front door with a panic-stricken face.

"And here he is!" the brunet said as he made his way over to Kunikida who stood at the doorway, utterly puzzled. "You're as punctual as always, Kunkida-kun!"

"Dazai, what-" the blonde began but stopped when his suicidal partner shoved Shuuji in his arms.

"Here you go, make sure to take extremely good care of our little boy while I take (Y/ N)-san out for our date!" he said, grabbing his wife by the wrist and leading her out.

It was then that Kunikida realized that he had been duped by Dazai (again) and an angry blush swiftly spread up his neck and colored his entire face crimson.

"DAZAI, I'M-" he started shouting at the smirking detective but a pungent odor that abruptly filled his nostrils made him halt. Kunikida felt something warm and wet drip on his clothes. Reluctantly, he looked down to find that Shuuji had an accident while in his arms.

A gasp escaped from (Y/ N)'s lips when she saw what had happened. "I forgot to put on Shuuji's diaper!"

"Oh my, that is quite a mess indeed." Dazai remarked nonchalantly. "Well, guess you better get to cleaning, Kunikida-kun! We'll see you in two hours!"

Without saying another word, the brunet quickly led his wife out of the house before the blonde could stop him. However, even with the door closed shut behind them, Kunikida's screams of fury could still be heard through the entire neighborhood.


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