👶🏻 Six: Just Like Daddy 👶🏻

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"I'm home." you announced as you opened the front door and stepped inside.

However, instead of receiving the usual warm greeting from your husband and son, all you got was awkward silence. Feeling slightly disappointment yet curious as to why Dazai didn't come see you right after your return, you decided to look for the suicidal brunet.

"Osamu?" you called out but there was no reply.

The living room was empty and so were the kitchen and dining room. That was when you got the idea that your husband might be in your son's bedroom since he was in charge of taking care of him today while you went to work. The door to Shuuji's room was left vaguely ajar, allowing a ray of light from within the room seep out through the sliver.

When you reached the room, you gently pushed open the door as you didn't want to startle them. To your credit, you were right; Dazai was with your son in his room, but to your shock, you found Shuuji wrapped in lots and lots of toilet paper.

"O-Osamu!" you exclaimed, gaping at the peculiar sight of your toilet-paper-covered son.

"Oh, (Y/ N)-san, welcome home!" your husband looked up at you with a sweet smile as though nothing at all was out of the ordinary. "How was work today?"

"I-it was fine... Osamu!" you cried again, eyes still wide. "What on earth did you do to Shuuji?!"

"Oh... you mean this," Dazai said, glancing down at the child whose entire body and the top half of his head as well eyes were wrapped in toilet paper. "Well, Halloween's coming up and I decided to prepare a costume for him!"

"So... you dressed him up as a roll of toilet paper?" you quirked a brow at him, puzzled.

Your husband let out a chuckle at your words. "Don't be silly, (Y/ N)-san, I'd never come up with such a lame costume idea! I've dressed him up as me..." he then noticed how there was also toilet paper on Shuuji's head and added, "When I was an executive in the Port Mafia!"

"I-I see..." you trailed off, unsure how to react to all of this.

Dazai smirked, placing two fingers on his chin as he admired his handiwork. "And I think I did a brilliant job if I do say so myself, don't you think so, Shuuji? You look just like daddy!"

"Yay!" Shuuji threw up his toilet-paper-covered arms as he cheered. "I look... like daddy! Just... like daddy!"

"Yes, yes, indeed!" the brunet detective nodded happily with a delighted smile plastered on his slightly blushing face.

He then turned to look at you. "Don't you think so too, love?"

"O-oh... yes, definitely! Absolutely! He looks just like you! You did a great job, Osamu!" you put on your best false encouraging smile as you praised his work.

This apparently made Dazai very happy as he held his cheeks with both hands and started to wiggle from side to side with an unfaltering beam. "Mhmm... mhmm..."

"Now, um, if you'll excuse me... I... I'll go upstairs and take a bath." you told him with a weak smile before turning around to leave the room.

You exhaled a sigh after closing the bedroom door behind you. You didn't mean a single word you'd said to your husband, but you couldn't help it. Dazai seemed so happy with the result of Shuuji's costume that you didn't have the heart to tell him that instead of looking like his father from his badass Mafia days, your son looked more like a lame, toilet-paper knockoff of a mummy.

You really were a softie when it came to your family...

Parental Struggles ~Daddy!Dazai Osamu X Mommy!Reader~Where stories live. Discover now