👶🏻 Nineteen: Baking Cookies 👶🏻

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"Oh my god! Osamu! Something's burning!" you cried out as you ran to the kitchen in a panic.

However, your panic was replaced with confusion when you reached the kitchen to find your tall husband taking a tray out of the oven. You blinked your eyes at him expectantly.

"Oh, (Y/ N)! There you are!" Dazai exclaimed with a wide grin plastered across his handsome face. He set the tray down on the kitchen counter and beckoned you over with an oven-mitt-covered hand. "Come look! I've made some chocolate chip cookies!"

With furrowed eyebrows, you headed over to the counter where the tray of supposed chocolate chip cookies laid. The burning smell that you had thought was a potential fire still lingered heavily in the kitchen. Upon your first glance down at the tray of cookies, your suspicions of the oven being the cause of the smell was confirmed.

"Um... Osamu..." you trailed off, looking up at your husband with a sheepish smile.

"Yes, (Y/ N)? Don't they just look delicious? Oh, I can't wait for you to try them!" Dazai beamed enthusiastically, his chocolate eyes glittering with excitement and pride.

"Uh... yea, they look... great!" you lied. After seeing how happy he was, you lost heart to tell him that the cookies looked terribly burnt.

"Here, here! Try it, (Y/ N)!" Dazai grabbed one of the burnt cookies from the tray and tried to feed it to you. "Say aaa~"

It took everything within you not to cringe away from the obvious smoky smell of the blacken cookie. Hesitantly, you opened your mouth and took a bite of the cookie. You swore that the cookie was hard enough for you to break a tooth as you chewed down on it, the crunching sounds loud enough to echo throughout the room. It tasted like literal char and was overly salty for some reason. It was honestly the worst cookie that you had ever had the misfortune to taste in your life.

"How is it? How is it?" your husband's voice brought you back to the present and made you forget about the ashy taste lingering in your mouth.

You tried to fake a smile and gave an approving nod of your head. "It is really good, Osamu..."

"Oh! I knew it!" Dazai exclaimed happily, doing a little dance next to you. "I always knew I had a talent for baking!"

Seeing how happy your husband looked, it made the lie and torture of swallowing the burnt cookie all worth it. You let out a soft sigh, smiling.

The things you do for this man.

"Mommy? Daddy? Shuuji hungry!"

Your eyes immediately went wide at the familiar sound of your son's voice.

"Oh, perfect timing, Shuuji! Come over here! Daddy made some tasty cookies for you to munch on!"

Oh shit.

Parental Struggles ~Daddy!Dazai Osamu X Mommy!Reader~Where stories live. Discover now