Chap.15: Blamed

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(L/n) was running to the mall while huffing for air. She forgot she was gonna go with Kageyama and woke up late. She stopped when she saw Kageyama waiting for her.

"(L-L/n)!? Are you alri-"

"S-Sorry....I'm....late...huff...huff...wait..." she hold one finger up to Kageyama, telling him to wait. Kageyama was just standing there not sure what to do. He offered her a bottle of water, thinking she's really thirsty

"(L/n) h-here..."

"Arigato..." she took one big sip, feeling refreshed

"Woo! I'm alright now! Haven't ran like that in days, thanks for the water, let's go shall we?"


You both walked around the mall trying to find a good shop to buy some shoes but, (L/n) was getting distracted by other shops and bought some things that she might need.

"Sorry Kageyama-kun I get distracted easily." She gave off an awkward and embarrassing laugh, Kageyama blushed a little and looked away.

You and Kageyama were walking in silence, your hand lightly brushed his, he was taken by surprised and moved his hand away from yours. You looked at him with a perplexed look asking him 'what's wrong'.

You realized what happened then a shade of red dusted your cheeks from embarrassment.

"Sorry I-I didn't mean to- ah" Kageyama hesitantly grabbed your hand by surprise, you felt his hand sweating and shaking.

"I-It's fine with me alright i-idiot..." He walked a few steps ahead, with your hand clasped to his.

The tension in the air changed, you were walking in silence, trying not to be embarrassed at what happened. Without realizing, you guys past a sports shop with a lot of sport equipment.

"Hey Kageyama-kun we're finally here, come on let's go!" Your cheerful self was brought back to life when you saw all the different things for different sports.

"You go look for some new shoes, I'm just gonna look around aight?" Kageyama nodded in reply, you then ran all over the shop to look for things you might need.

1 hour later...
You were looking at the volleyball area, thinking you need a new ball since yours was damaged. While being so distracted, you accidentally bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Gah! I'm s-sorry, I wasn't looki-" Your eyes widened in shock, you looked terrified when you saw who it was, you stand up and put up a fake facade that they won't notice

"Huh? (L/n)? You still play Volleyball?" A girl looked at you with furrowed brows.

"Huh? (L/n)? You still play Volleyball?" A girl looked at you with furrowed brows

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(Pretend this them, photo not mine)

"(L/n)-san I bought a pair of sh-" Kageyama was about to walk around the corner but saw you talking with someone.

"Amaya-s-san...H-Hey what's up?" You tried to stay calm but can't, she looked at you with blank, dead eyes and laughed at you. She walked up to you, Kageyama noticed you started to shake.

"Quit playing friends with me, do you not remember what you did? Yet, you still play volleyball after that?!" She pushed you that made you loose balance a little.

"Shut up it's not my fault besides it's in the past yet you still care about it-" She was angry that she slapped you in the face, Kageyama got mad and stepped in the way.

"Oi stop this right now! (L/n)-san are you alright?" The girl named Amaya rolled her eyes and walked past both of you. You touched your face and glared at her one more time.

"Who was that?" Kageyama asked you, you told him that you guys need something to eat because its almost lunch.

Time skip

You both got a table at the food court and ate lunch, he asked one more time who was that girl that hurt you and what was she so mad for.

"She's a teammate when I played volleyball, one time we almost won but lost, she then started blaming me saying its my fault that we lost cause I knew. I-I don't wanna get into detail but that's about it."

Kageyama clenched his hands and look down, you didn't know what to do and just looked down as well.

"Sorry I dragged you along with me!" He suddenly apologized which made you look up to him.

"I l-lied to you I didn't really bought anything I-I just w-wanted to be hang out with you..." you laughed at his red face and smiled brightly at him.

"You could have said so I'll still go! Come on let's look around some more!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him lightly and wandered the whole mall. Kageyama never really had this much fun with someone but he was more happy cause it's you.

To be continued 💙

Cheer For Me (Karasuno 1st years x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora