Chap.10: Impossible Receive

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Your pov
Its been a while to see Oikawa play again but his taking too long to warm up.

We just need one more point and we're done- ughh great now he joins as a pinch server.

He pinpoints Tsukishima, targeting him.

He jumps and served the ball directly at him, the ball went to our side fast with a strong force, Tsukishima tried to receive it but it was too powerful.

I stood up in excitement and worry, Oikawa was not the same before, I smirked on the thought of having a real match with him.

Tsukishima's pov

He aimed the ball again at me and once again I failed to receive it.


"Tsukishima-kun!" I looked over at (L/n) showing me how to receive the speeding ball properly, her observing skills are quite scary, I nodded in agreement.

Oikawa pinpointed me in the corner but now I was able to receive it, his serves are powerful that it hurts my arms. The ball went to their side giving them a chance ball. Kuso

Hinata's pov

The onion head was about to spike the ball to their opponent's side but Hinata managed to touch the ball.

"Nice one touch!" (L/n)-chan praised me with my skills

I ran to the other side, distracting the opponents, and jumped to spike the ball, looking at the great king. I spiked the ball with full powerful, it was so fast he didn't even realize it.

The referee whistled saying the match is over.

I finally won a match! This feels great!

"Nice kill! Hinata-kun!" She ruffled my already messy hair

"Th-Thanks!" Gahh she's so c-cute!

Kageyama's pov

Why is she the only one praising him, I tossed the ball to him.

"Nice toss as well! Kageyama-kun!" She showed me a thumbs up in approval and a nice smile.

"I-Its nothing..." I looked away so she can't see my pink cheek.

She gave me a plastic bag filled with cookies and handed each of the members a bag.

"Here you guys deserved it." She grinned but it disappeared immediately.

Her happy self was replaced with a little worry as she looked at Oikawa.

"To be honest, they would've won if Oikawa-san joined earlier." She sighed then called his attention.

"Oi! Oikawa-san! Can you serve the ball at me?" She requested, I was slightly worried if she can even receive those serves.

3rd person pov

"If that's what you want, (n/n)-chan." He replied in a serious tone.

"Hey are u sure about this?" Daichi asked the young girl.

"Yep! I want to know how strong he is now." She got in position to receive the ball.

Her (e/c) eyes glowed brightly with a ominous aura and sent chills to Oikawa's spine that made him carried away in serving.

"Out!" She stepped aside for the ball to drop.behind the back line.

She's still so scary! Oikawa calmed himself and spiked the ball really hard.

When the ball made contact with her arms, the ball kept spinning in her arms for a good 2 seconds and shot up into the air, it was so forceful that it made (L/n) lay on the floor.

She groaned in pain as she got up, she didn't mind the stares looking at her cause she feels excited.

"So that's how you do it. Nice serve Oikawa-san-"

"Argh! Damn it! You can still receive them so casually like before! Kuso!"

"Can you just shut up will ya?! That's (L/n) all right, she can catch your serves with ease!" Iwaizumi threw a volleyball at his head.

"Wahh! Iwa-chan-" "Oi Oikawa! Here!" She threw a plastic bag filled with chocolate chip cookies. She also gave every member of Seijoh.

Time skip (your pov)
I put the earbuds in my ear and listened to music as I jogged away.

"See you guys tomorrow-" "Wait (L/n)-san! You're not riding the bus." I looked back at Daichi while jogging in place, I shook my head.

"I'm running back and I'm gonna visit our team's 'guardian' or whatever." I waved back once again and head off.

While I was running back, I heard the bus horn behind me. I looked beside me and the players were waving at me, I showed them a gleeful smile as I waved back.

Nishinoya's pov

*knock* *knock*

I paused the game I was playing and walked over the door to see who was knocking.

"Yes?- Oh! (N/n)-chan!! Wassup! " I put my arm around her and messed her (H/l), (H/c) hair.

"I'm all right! Just wanna see what you've been up to." She went inside and looked inside the fridge.

"Oi! Stop lookin' at the fridge!" I shrugged it off and resumed my game.

"Hey do you mind letting me sleepover tonight." She asked taking a bite off the popsicle that I bought.

"Yeah sure bro! Must be pretty lonely to live alone."

F/n's mind
Says the person who's also alone

"By the way, what the hell did you do to be suspended for a month💢" She looked at me fiercely.

"L-Let's just not talk about it... Anyways, How's the club? Are the first years good?" I changed the subject, her face turned slightly red from what I said.

"I-Its great I guess, the f-first years are great to." Her blushed face turned sad.

"You know what happened to me before right? But you still force to play volleyball again." She sat beside me and watched me play.

"Oh come on, that was a long time ago, you're just like him and there's no way we will hate you for it. Come here my dramatic, talented cousin!" I gave her a big hug. I'm the best cousin!

"Haha all right, I want to go to sleep *yawn* you should too Yuu-chan since you're coming back tomorrow."

"Haha fine!" We both started cleaning up the place before going to bed.

I'm only coming back if he comes back too, Asahi-san.

To be continued 💙

Cheer For Me (Karasuno 1st years x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz