You snapped out of your trance when you saw Brittany snap in front of your eyes. You look around to notice that she had paused the movie and was trying to get your attention. You look at her, "What?" You ask confused.

"You haven't been paying any attention to the movie." She says.

"I'm sorry. I'm just upset." You sigh.

"It's okay. We can watch the movie a different time." She says.

"Okay, I'm sorry." You say.

"It's fine. I have to study anyway." She smiles.

You smile back and check the time. It was almost 6 pm. You should be studying too but you realize it's no use. You wouldn't concentrate.

You look at your phone as it goes off. You open it up and read the text message right away.

Luke: 'Hey, I've been fine. You?'

You didn't want to answer back right away because you didn't want it to seem like you had been sitting there waiting for his text, which you totally were, but you couldn't help yourself. Your fingers didn't listen to your mind as you answer.

Kaitlyn: 'Fine. Just studying hard.'

You lock your phone and sigh. You really wish you hadn't have answered back right away. You probably seemed really desperate. You didn't want him to think anything bad about you.

Luke: 'I'm happy I can't relate 😅'

You smiled. He seemed okay. It didn't seem like he didn't want to talk to you or that he hated you.

Kaitlyn: 'Lucky you 😖😂'

Luke: 'Do you need a break from studying? I'm craving pizza.'

Kaitlyn: 'Yes!! I want pizza too.'

Luke: 'Okay, pick you up in 20?'

Kaitlyn: 'Sounds good.'

Luke: 'See you then 😊'

Kaitlyn: 'See you 😁'

You quickly get ready and wait for him to show up.

He knocks on your door after a while and you go and open it.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hi." You smile back.

"Ready to go?" He questions.

"Yes." You smile and walk out of the apartment before shutting the door.

He walks with you out of the apartment building and down the street to a pizza place.

"You know," he starts to say as you guys walk to the place, "this is my favorite place to eat in New York City."

"Really? When did you find it?" You ask.

"Last time we visited here. I didn't realize you lived so close to it, I was happy when I found that out." He says.

You smile. "Well then I'm glad I live near it. It is a good place but whenever my roommates and I get takeout, we usually choose to get Chinese food."

"Your missing out." He smiles as he opens the door to the pizza place for you.

"Thank you." You smile and walk inside.

He follows and turns to you. "What do you want?"

"Pepperoni please." You say.

He nods and goes and orders while you sit at a table.

He comes over soon with a coke for you and a drink for him. "I forgot to ask what you wanted to drink so I just got you Coke."

"This is perfect, thank you." You smile.

"No problem. I ordered a pepperoni pie. They'll bring it over when it's ready." He says.

"Okay." You say.

They bring the pizza over soon and you both start eating in silence.

"Sorry I haven't talked to you in a few days." He says after a few minutes. "I've been busy recording new music and then I would go home and fall asleep right away. We've been so busy that we've barely had any time to ourselves."

"It's fine." You smile. "I've been studying and working a lot so I haven't really been on my phone much."

That was a little bit of a lie but he didn't need to know that. You had missed him and missed talking to him but you didn't want him to know that.

He nods and finishes a slice of pizza. "When are you off from work next?"

You think. "Not tomorrow but the next day."

"Want to go out again?" He asks.

"Sure." You smile.

"Okay, it's a date." He smiles.

You were hoping on that date that he would ask you to be his girlfriend. You didn't know it but Luke was falling for you too. He didn't want to rush it though. It wanted to keep you waiting to see if you'd stick around or not. He had a bit of trust issues. He was always used which made him distance himself for a while.

He had a lonely heart but was starting to think that you might be the one to solve that problem. "It will be a surprise again."

You groan. "Again?"

"Yes. Wear something comfy." He tells you.

"I will." You smile.

You couldn't wait to see what the surprise was. You hoped it would be as perfect as last time. Maybe it will even be better. You don't think anything could ever get better but then again who knows?

He walked you home again but you were disappointed when he didn't kiss you. You both did just eat garlic covered food so maybe that was why?

You walked inside and Brittany looked at you. "Where were you?"

"Out with Luke. You were right. Thank you." You tell her.

She smiles. "Anytime. I'm glad it worked out."

You smile back and walk to your room.

This might sound cheesy but you were already counting down the minutes and hours until your next date.

Little did you know that Luke had a whole plan under his sleeve. You were totally going to be surprised for what was to come.

Lonely Hearts - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now