Part 47: We've got nothing figured out

Start from the beginning

I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket, and it pulled me out of my daydream. I knew that it wouldn’t be Taylor calling just yet, but I quickly reached for my phone and checked the caller ID, which displayed Lily’s name. I could feel my face light up as I eagerly answered the call and pressed my phone to my ear.

“Oh my God, Lil! How are you? I haven’t spoken to you in ages!” I blurted excitedly. Lily and I had been friends since my first walk for Victoria’s Secret, and she was like another older sister to me.

“I know—It’s been way too long!” She gushed. “I’m doing great, what about you?” She asked curiously.

“I’m fine, what are you up to today?” I replied nonchalantly.

“Not too much, but I’m in New York for a shoot that I have tomorrow, and I was wondering if maybe you and Tay wanted to do a girls’ night to celebrate her new album?” She suggested. I smiled at her offer; it was really thoughtful of her to want to do something for Taylor, but it was unfortunate that she wasn’t here.

“That’s really sweet of you, but Taylor’s on her way to Japan right now,” I said glumly. “She’s doing some promoting for ‘1989’, but you can still come over if you want!” I added. I heard Lily groan to herself quietly and she let out a disappointed sigh.

“Seriously? Ugh, I miss the two of you so much,” She grumbled. “I’m totally down to still hang out though. Should I stop and grab a bottle of Chardonnay?” She asked.

“I’ve already got one in my fridge, but I’m sure having one more wouldn’t hurt.” I joked. Lily’s laugh filled the receiver on my phone and I couldn’t help but giggle in return.

“Sounds great, I’ll see you in about an hour!” She chimed in. We said our goodbyes and I stepped through the door of my balcony, walking into my living room. I did a quick sweep of my apartment in an attempt to tidy up a little bit. Although I always kept my place clean, I couldn’t help but feel the need to touch it up; in less than five minutes, I was sitting on my couch, waiting for Lily’s arrival.

            I scrolled through Twitter mindlessly to pass the time, and I heard the familiar buzz of my intercom sooner than I expected. Without missing a beat, I sprang off of my couch and ran towards my front entrance, pressing the button on the buzz code.

“Hey! You know who it is!” The familiar voice exclaimed. I smiled to myself and moved closer to the microphone output.

“Hey! Come on up, the door’s open!” I replied. I stepped out of my apartment to wait for her and it only took a few moments for me to hear the bells of the elevator down the hall, signaling that it was in use. I saw Lily step out into the corridor once the doors had opened, and she ran towards me. She flipped her sunglasses up from her nose so that they rested on the top of her head, and then wrapped her arms around me.

“It’s been way too long!” She cooed into my ear. I nodded in agreement and slowly began to walk back into my apartment. We each grabbed ourselves a wine glass from my kitchen cupboards, and headed straight for my couch.

            A few hours had passed but Lily and I hadn’t moved from our seats. We had decided to watch a new, random series on Netflix and we were hooked on it.

“This show is amazing. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a TV series.” Natalie joked. I raised my hand up in the air and nodded my head, completely supporting her statement.

“Some of the most random shows turn out to be the best ones!” I mentioned. Lily quickly raised the wine glass to her lips and took a small sip, then looked back at me.

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