Part 20: When The Feeling Sinks In

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A/N: I'm so happy that you guys liked the last chapter! I decided to go from Taylor's POV to Karlie's POV in this part, because I think it'll give you a guys a better look into what's going on right now! Thanks so much for reading, and I'll be posting part 21 tomorrow evening!!

Love you guys so much xoxoxo <3 

Maddison :)



“Manila, I’ve had the BEST time in the Philippines, and that’s all because of you! You have all made tonight SO much fun, and I can’t wait to come back on my next tour! Goodnight everyone, and thank you so much!” I shouted into my microphone, waving out at the crowd. I quickly jogged up the stairs on my stage and watched the huge red curtain begin to fall. I slowly caught my breath, and once the drape closed completely I walked underneath the stage, my band following after me.

“For a crowd of ten thousand, they were still insanely loud!” Grant laughed, wiping the sweat off of his brow.

“Yeah, I felt like we were playing the O2 Arena again!” Caitlin agreed.

“It was a great one! I wish I was able to come to Asia more often,” I sighed.

“Anyways, I’ve got some fans waiting in Club Red, but I’ll see everyone tomorrow!” I exclaimed, walking toward the exit.

Club Red was by far my favourite part of the Red Tour. If I had a problem, visiting with fans after a show was the best way to get it off my mind. In this case, all I could think about was Karlie. I had already been in Asia for three weeks, and Karlie and I hadn’t spoken yet. I was kept so busy with this leg of the tour; everything had to be reconfigured to fit the size of the venues we were playing, whenever I had a few minutes to give her a call the time difference would get in the way. To make things worse, Karlie was travelling from the US to Europe and back over the past couple of weeks with work, and I knew she would be too tired to want to talk. Although these past three weeks dragged by, I couldn’t help but hope that the next three would go by faster.

As I neared the door of the Club Red room, I put on my biggest smile and got ready to jump into the doorway. I could hear the twenty fans chattering about how excited they were to meet me. Not thinking twice, I leapt into the room, and all of their faces lit up.

“Hey Guys! I’m Taylor!” I exclaimed.

*                                                         *                                                                 *

            By the time all of the Club Red fans left, it was nearly two in the morning. I was past the point of exhaustion, but I knew that Karlie was back in New York, and a quick time zone check on my phone told me that it was late afternoon there. Without hesitation, I quickly pressed her name on the screen, and the phone menu came up. I heart started to flutter in excitement. I missed seeing her beautiful face in the morning, and her arms being around me at night. Just hearing her voice is good enough for now though. I thought. My phone rang in my ear for a few moments until I heard Karlie’s voicemail greeting. Realizing that she hadn’t answered, my heart sank to my feet. I’d wanted to talk to her since I got on the plane three weeks ago, and now that I finally had my chance she didn’t pick up. I double-checked the time zone converter on my phone, in case I’d made a mistake, but I hadn’t. I played back the conversation in my head when she told me where she was going to be in the next few weeks, and I was certain she was in New York right now. So why didn’t she pick up? I thought frantically. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. Maybe she was busy? Maybe her phone died? It would be another three weeks until I got to see her, and still five weeks until I would be home for good. I just wanted to ask her how her week was, so she could tell me some silly little story that happened to her while she was out. I wanted to ask her what she was planning on having for dinner, or which outfits she was packing for her next trip. But mostly, I wanted to tell her how much I missed her, and that sleeping wasn’t the same unless she was next to me.

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