Part 2: A Perfect Night To Fall In Love With Strangers

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“I don’t get it, do Noah and Ally have to die every time I watch this movie?” Barbara said through muffled wails. The six of us were watching The Notebook in my apartment, and although we had all seen it countless times, everyone knows the ending still hits you. Every. Time.

“It’s just so sad, they were PERFECT for each other. I wish I could have a love like that.” Karlie sighed in daydream.

“Well what about Josh? I thought you were in looooove with him?” teased Alessandra.

“Obviously I love him! But I mean a love like in the movies, like a fairytale love story. In reality it gets kind of boring after awhile.” Karlie sighed.

“Why is it boring?” I asked. I had always thought that if you were in a boring relationship, it would be because you weren’t with the right person, because love can be one of the most exciting and enticing things.

“I don’t know, we kind of died out a while ago. We stopped doing things for each other, because we don’t care any more. Its as if we’re staying together just because we’re too afraid to be single, and neither one of us has worked up the courage to say that its over.” Karlie looked down to her feet and stayed there for a few seconds. After letting out an exasperating sigh, she smiled and said, “But its whatever, I don’t want to ruin the night, so lets put on another movie!” She exclaimed. The other girls already knew about her problems with Josh, and they all gave her a look filled with reassurance.

“So who’s up for some Bridesmaids?” I shouted.

            When the movie finally ended it was nearly 4 a.m. and Alessandra and Cara had already gone into one of my guest bedrooms. We were all a little tipsy from the amount of wine we had and we had hit the point where we were just over tired.

“Alright that’s it ladies, I am done for the night, I have a flight to catch at 10 this morning so I’m going to try and catch a bit of sleep.” Said Barbara with a big yawn. She half-helped half-dragged and incredibly drunk Behati, who had had way more than the rest of us.

“Good night bitches, you’re my ride or dies, you know that right? I want you guys as the bridesmaids at my wedding one day!” Behati slurred. The three of us just laughed it off, knowing that she had already married Adam Levine not too long ago.

            With Behati and Barbara’s exit it was just Karlie and I sitting in the living room. I was kind of glad that it was just she and I, because I was really looking forward to a bit of silence after the energetic night we had.

“So, do you have plans tomorrow?” I asked her. We were still cuddled on the couch underneath my favorite wool blanket, and I could feel the fatigue creeping up on me more and more by the minute, but I didn’t want to go to sleep. Not yet.

“No, I have a day off tomorrow, and I’m so excited about it. With the fashion show taping today I’m really happy I don’t have to jet off somewhere like Barbara.” Karlie explained.

“Me too. I didn’t do half as much walking as all of you did and I’m happy that I have nothing planned tomorrow. We should definitely do lunch or something.” I mentioned. Karlie seemed really cool and I had never hung out with people like her and the other girls before, but I really enjoyed their company and the vibe that all of them gave off. They were all so confident in their bodies and personalities, and they didn’t any kind of drama from anyone. It was just nice to be around new people for once I guess.

“For sure! Since its just the two of us, we’ll have a girls day before my dinner plans with Josh tomorrow night.” Karlie rolled her eyes as she mentioned her boyfriend.

“Sounds like a plan,” I smiled. “Hey Karlie, can I ask you something?” I added.

“Of course, what is it?”

“Well it’s just that… If you aren’t happy with Josh and all, what makes you too afraid to end things with him?” I asked nervously. It didn’t really make sense to me. If you aren’t happy in a relationship, the easiest thing to do is to end it, and it makes things less difficult in the long run, doesn’t it?

“Honestly Tay, I have no idea. I know that I’m worried about hurting him because I do still care about him, but at the same time I want to end things with him so that he can find someone who might actually treat him well. I mean, I don’t know, it all sounds so ridiculous… Maybe its just because I’m afraid of being alone after having him by my side for so long.” Karlie sighed and her dashing green eyes now shined with water.

“Hey Karls, don’t be upset. I know its tough but you know that you won’t be alone. You have so many friends and family members, and now that we’re friends you have me too.” I let out a small smile as I grabbed her hand. Her slender fingers interlaced with mine and I rubbed my thumb over her hand.

“Thanks Taylor. It really means a lot to me. I feel like we’re already best friends and we’ve only known each other for a day. I’m telling you all of my personal problems as if I’ve know you for my whole life.” She giggled in the most innocent way, and I couldn’t help but return the action with a warm smile when she reached for a hug.

“Yeah, its crazy. I think the wine is getting to us,” I joked. “I don’t know about you, but I’m heading to bed. Since the other girls already grabbed the guest bedrooms, I guess you can room with me. Don’t worry though, my bed is a California King, so there’s lots of room!” I laughed.

“You’re kidding right? It’s like an ice box in this place, I’m snuggling up to you as close as possible.” Karlie let out a smirk and her green eyes flickered in the light. It seemed almost suggestive, but I rubbed it off. I didn’t think of her that way, I wasn’t even gay for all I knew.

“That’s fine, as long as the right side of the bed is my side!” We jumped into my bed and fell asleep not long after our heads hit the pillows.

Ready To Run (Kaylor)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon