Part 30: Life Makes Love Look Hard

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A/N: Okay guys, so just a short-ish update today!!! Some bad news for you guys (but great news for me!) is that I'm FINALLY back on the court playing volleyball again because my foot is all healed (yay!! No more turf toe!!!!), so my schedule is about to get a little more hectic! BUT I'll still be finding time to update daily (of course!) , but it'll probably be at weird times (like 3 AM EST hahaha).

Anyways, this chapter is kinda meh, but the next few parts are going to *spoiler alert* get hella cray and this is just the start!!! 

P.S. I don't have practice or class tomorrow so tomorrow is potentially a two-update day!!

thanks for reading guys!

Maddie :) 



“Good morning beautiful.” I said gently as I rolled over in my bed. Taylor was lying beside me, and I wrapped my arm around her waist. She turned to face me, I was met with a smile and a pair of sleepy blue eyes.

“Good morning,” She replied, raising her hand to my face. I felt the heat rise to my cheek as she delicately rubbed her thumb across my cheekbone. “How did you sleep?” She asked.

“I slept great,” I replied as I ran my hand along her waistline. “But that always happens whenever I sleep with you.” I said cheekily.

“You are so cheesy,” She said, giving me a playful nudge on the shoulder. “You’re lucky that I love you.” She teased. Taylor leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. When I pulled away, I flashed a goofy smile and bit my lip, acknowledging her joke.

“It’s a good thing that I love you too then,” I said. “Because you’re morning breath is a force to be reckoned with.” I raised an eyebrow at her, and a look of horror flashed on her face. In an instant, she shot out of bed and ran into the bathroom.

“Karlie, I’m sorry, that’s so disgusting!” She groaned. “Why didn’t you mention that earlier? Like months earlier?” She mumbled, running her toothbrush across her teeth.

“I’m kidding!” I exclaimed, getting out of bed to go meet her. “Your breath smells just fine.” I quickly pecked her on the cheek and she let out a sigh.

“You’re ridiculous sometimes.” She said with a laugh as she spit out her toothpaste.

“I know I am.” I gave her a wink over my shoulder as I went to throw some clothes on.

            It had been three weeks since our day in Central Park, and we were enjoying the time off. If we weren’t out doing something, we were relaxing on the couch watching movies. To be honest, I hadn’t missed working one bit. Before Taylor any time off that I had would be spent with Josh, but I often grew bored quickly and took extra jobs just for something to do. Now that I was with Taylor however, going back to work was the last thing I had on my mind. She had been doing small things for her album and such, but she wasn’t away all day, so we still got to spend a lot of time together.

            I walked into my living room and turned on the TV. MTV appeared on the screen, and I saw Taylor in a grey leotard leaning against a ballet bar. I quickly turned the volume up, and the familiar drumbeat of her new single ‘Shake It Off’ rang through my ears. Last week, she had held a live stream announcement, where she unveiled the name of her new album, ‘1989’, and the lead single to the world. Everyone loved it, and it had gone number one immediately. I smiled as the song continued to play, and I turned my head to face the bedroom.

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