Part 21: There's something in your eyes that says we can beat this

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A/N: Sorry for updating late! I hope you guys like it, tbh I HATE WRITING SO MUCH DIALOGUE IT KILLS ME, but this chapter needed to happen (of course) and I promise that the next chapter won't be so plainly worded, but I didn't want to use too much evocative language otherwise it would take away from the dialogue!!

Anyways, guys 5.9K reads!?!? Are you serious?!? I love you guys so so so much! Thanks for everyone who has ever read this story ugh I love you all so much like ughhhh <3 <3 <3 

Maddison :) 



            I woke up the next morning on my couch, with Cara next to me. She was still asleep, so I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I quickly switched on my coffee pot and walked back into the living room.

“Ugh, what time is it?” Cara groaned, suddenly awake. She really wasn’t a morning person.

“I don’t know, I’ll check!” I replied. I leaned over and picked up my phone, but before I got the chance to check the clock, the message that I had been waiting three weeks for showed up on my screen.

“1 Missed Call: Taylor”

My heart beat suddenly picked up, and I felt a huge grin start to grow on my face.

“Cara, Taylor called last night!” I shouted excitedly, jumping up and down.

“Really? That’s great news Karls!” Cara said, hugging me. “You should call her back now then. I’ll get out of your hair, and give you two some alone time.” She teased, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“Its just a phone call Cara,” I said, laughing off her comment. “You don’t have to leave yet!” I said.

“No, I should actually get going,” Cara replied. “I have to be at the shoot for 12:30, so I’m already running late!” She explained, slipping on her shoes.

“Alright,” I sighed. “Thank you so much for coming over last night. It was so much fun, and you’ll have to call me when you’re in town again!”

“Of course,” She smiled at me. “You’re one of my best friends, what kind of a person would I be if I wasn’t there for you when you needed it?” She said as she finished placing her clothes in her bag. Walking the front of my apartment, I gave her a hug and we exchanged goodbyes.

            As soon as I closed my door, I rushed back to my couch and swiped my phone up off of the coffee table. I went on the Internet and googled the time zone converter, which told me that it was currently 1:30 AM in the Philippines. My heart sank a little when I realized how late it was there, but I was still hopeful that she might still be awake. So, I quickly tapped on her name in my contacts list, and raised the phone to my ear. I knew that I was desperate to talk to her, but I hadn’t realized how badly I wanted to until I was so close to actually doing it. Two rings went by. Then three. Then four. I was getting worried that I had missed my chance last night, why did I have to fall asleep yesterday? I stayed up so much later every other night hoping that she would call me, and of course the one night that I fell asleep early I ended up missing her. A fifth ring went by. I had all but come to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to get to talk to her today, until I heard her voice on the other end.

“Karlie? Hi babe!” She exclaimed. Hearing her voice stopped me in my tracks. I didn’t realize how much I missed her until I had a little taste of what was gone. I was trying to return her greeting, but I couldn’t get my mouth to work, or my brain, for that matter.

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