Part 15: When you feel the world is crashing down around your feet

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A/N: Part 15 guys!! Some shiznit is going to go down! I hope you like it, and I'll probably post one more part tonight too!! Also, kinda mature-ish content with the language, so yeah!

One more thing, let me know if you want me to change anything. I'm really trying to work on my tone and diction, so any tips to help me improve my writing I would be SUPER STOKED to hear about!

Thanks for the support guys! 

<3 you!

Maddison :) 



“Hello?” I answered impatiently. The last thing I wanted to do was be stuck talking on the phone to Dianna when I could be with Taylor.

“Karlie, its Dianna. This is important. Are you busy right now?” She said quickly.

“No, I don’t have time to talk.” I said flatly. What the fuck was her deal? She was infamous for calling me at the worst times, and all of her issues in the past that had been deemed ‘important’ definitely could have waited. I briskly paced around the coffee table in my living room, waiting for her to shut up.

“Karlie—Wait. Don’t hang up yet.” Dianna pleaded. I waited for her to continue but didn’t say a word.

“I saw the news today. Why didn’t you call me before you decided to come out with Taylor? Do you realize what this has done?” She asked angrily. I felt my temper start to boil over. I get that she was my publicist, but she really didn’t do much for me. I always knew how to handle the media appropriately, so her working for me was more of a formality than an actual job. Therefore she had no right to question my decisions.

“What the fuck are you talking about? No. I’m not doing this right now Dianna… I don’t have to tell you everything I do. You’re my publicist, not my damn mother.” I spat through the phone. I was two seconds away from telling her to fuck off when I heard her blurt something through the phone.

“Karlie IMG Models FIRED you today.” She said with a sigh. I couldn’t believe what I just heard.

“Wait, what?” Was all I could manage as I tried to collect my thoughts.

“No, they didn’t. Ivan wouldn’t do this. IMG wouldn’t do this, I’m their most successful model!” I cried. I fell down onto the couch in complete shock. I hung up the phone without saying a word and tossed it to the side.

            Just then Taylor walked into the living room with a worried look on her face. How am I supposed to tell her? I thought to myself.

“Karlie, what’s going on?” She asked nervously. Taylor walked over to my couch and sat beside me. With my face in my hands, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

“That was my publicist, Dianna,” I started. “Um, she just called to tell me that IMG fired me today…” My voice trailed off. I was at a loss for words; it was as if I had forgotten how to speak. I’ve been working under IMG Models since I started my modeling career, and we had been through so much together. When I finally made it big, so did they. Ivan, the CEO, was one of my closest friends and he was like a mentor to me.

“Was that because of us?” Taylor asked quietly, the guilt showing on her face.

“Of course. What else would it be?” I snapped back. Taylor’s mouth dropped open and she turned her head.

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