"Hey." I greeted him as he entered the shop with me. He tensed and took a step closer to me, his eyes narrowed and his goofy smile faded.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I snapped taking a step back. He took two more steps towards me, putting himself closer than before. I stood frozen, confused by his odd behavior. He leaned down and put his face near mine, taking a deep breath.

"Who were you with?" His question sounded more like a demand. I scoffed at his tone.

"You smell different Ellis. Who were you with?" He asked more desperately. I smell different?

Then it clicked.

He knew of Deacon. He tried grabbing me at the club. He helped me when I was alone crying on the side of the road. He was here at the coffee shop twice now. He could smell me...

"How long have you been following me Lenon?" I blurt out, recalling my conversation with Deacon and the possibility of him having me followed.

Lenons eyes went wide before analyzing my stale expression. "Deacon told you?" He asked sheepishly. I was right.

"He didn't exactly tell me he was having me followed, but I put it together." I huffed and walked in the direction of the counter to order. Lenon followed close behind.

"I'm not following you." He stated defensively. I stopped and turned around, watching him stop as well. I glanced at the space between us. "Yes. You are." I chuckled. He rolled his big brown eyes.

"I'm suppose to keep an eye on you, make sure you're safe." He whispered. I ordered my coffee and took a seat at the nearest table. Lenon sat across from me. I wasn't angry with him. I was curious if our conversations were authentic.

"Why wouldn't I be safe?" I asked. I was starting to feel overwhelmed with how much Deacon was treading on my life. I used to picture my first crush and how simple it would be. I'd have my life, and he'd have his. In my head it was a delicate mending of lives, slow, steady, and comfortable. So far my relationship with Deacon has taken the opposite route.

"Ellis, many have been talking about Alpha Vidar, and how he's found his mate. And how she's human. Being a Luna puts a target on your back. Especially one mated to Deacon Vidar." He told me this as if it were a warning. I furrowed my brows at him. Sam never told me this.

"A target on my back?" I asked myself. Lenon reluctantly put his hand over mine, grabbing my attention.

"Deacon's pack land takes up 70% of Oregon territory. Our pack is large. One of the largest. He has many allied packs that would love to watch him pass his position onto his next generation. But there are many that would love to watch his lineage die with him and his mate. Killing you both means easy invasion." he looked at me as if I should have already known this.

Is this what becoming a Luna means? Living with a target on your back? I was beginning to understand why Deacon was so possessive and overbearing with me. He's lived with a target on his back his whole life.

"Sam never told me any of this." I spoke more to myself. I heard Lenon scoff at my comment. I looked up to see him leaning back in his chair with an irritated smirk on his face.

"Of course he didn't." Lenon mumbled. I cocked my head at him. "What does that mean?" I asked defensively.

Lenon's body language told me he knew Sam and wasn't a fan. I don't know why I was upset about it. I barely liked Sam myself, but he was my sister's mate. I wasn't going to let anyone disrespect him, besides me of course.

"Deacon is Sam's great, great, great uncle." Lenons face contorted as he counted the greats. My stomach turned. A part of me forgot how old Deacon really was.

For a Moment at Least (Age Gap)Where stories live. Discover now